
  • Thank you! New guided meditation to help you realize self-worth. Want to go deeper and clear the patterns blocking self-worth, check out Activate Worthiness Program. Enjoy the guided meditation.
  • Activate Worthiness

    Increase Self-Esteem

    Personal Value

    I Am Worthy spray activates the feeling of worthiness in your auric energy field by clearing away fear and doubt. I Am Worthy spray increases inner strength and vision. Feeling confident is key to life, use I Am Worthy spray to uplift energy to a higher vibration, so you become confident and live in harmony. Chakra: Second


    Your thoughts and feelings create energy, and that energy is expelled through the skin, the largest organ, into the environment as an emotional vapor. Have you ever walked into a mall and couldn’t wait to leave? Or visited a church, attended a retreat or yoga class, and wanted to stay forever? The energy you feel is from the people present and their thoughts and feelings.

    Works Well With

    Starter Kit

    I Am Worthy, Balance, Abundance, Forgiveness and Save.  Go HERE

    How to Use

    Shake to activate. Mist around your surroundings, office, children, spouses, and pets. For animals, mist their beds and then allow them to sleep in the new energy. Do not spray into your face. Comes in a two-ounce size.

    Enjoy Immediate Results!

    Activate Self-Worth

    Deepen self-worth with Activate Worthiness Limiting Belief Healing audio download and increase personal value.


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