Sanatkumara Channeled Readings

Conversations that Change Your Life

Sanatkumara is the Light of Universal Source. Through the heart chakra, Sanatkumara embodies Earth. Destroying the limiting ego of fear, and doubt, Sanatkumara guides you to the Divine within.

Connect with your future self, a higher consciousness and a sixth-dimensional unconditional loving energy. Receive clear communication from your Soul wisdom and higher Self, propelling you more deeply onto your spiritual journey.


  • Receive new higher consciousness pattern configurations
  • Free your heart of emotional bondage
  • Purify your heart, third-eye and crown chakras to align to your Soul purpose
  • Accelerate your spiritual awakening in this lifetime

Sanatkumara assists you through the inner planes of consciousness, from a place of stillness and where you’ll experience the vastness of your consciousness and wisdom. Riding the peacock through the heavens, Sanatkumara transports the blue ray of protection and enlightenment to you.


Read more about Sanatkumara Here

Sanatkumara is the Ancient of Days in the Bible, and in the Mayan tradition, Sanatkumara is the great Quetzalcoatl. In metaphysics, as the planetary Logos and the father of the New Earth, who has embraced Earth for millions of years.

About KumariDevi

KumariDevi-NamasteKumariDevi (Paula Muran) is a pure channel of Universal Source (Sanatkumara). She’s the chosen purveyor of the spiritual teachings of the Divine Sanatkumara, and she emerges as a transformative force bridging the celestial realm and Earth. She learned, Sanatkumara came to her as a child and has guided her since. Being formally introduced to Sanatkumara in the early 1980s, she began channeling publicly in Los Angeles, San Francisco and London. She heralds from the lineage of the Himalayan Kumara’s and the Lyra Constellation.

Additionally, KumariDevi is a highly skilled intuitive-

  • Clairvoyant
  • Clairsentient
  • Empathic

What People Say!

“Her intuition surpasses anything I’ve ever encountered in my life. She’s spot on all the time. Don’t waste your time with others when you can get the best with her. Thank you!”

Christine M., Artist

“We hired her to assist with real estate transactions. She informed us not to buy a particular vacation rental because they weren’t telling us everything. Shortly afterward, we learned the HOA doesn’t allow vacation rentals. She’s always 100% accurate.”

Kathy C., Oregon

“What’s so great about working with her is she finds something positive about everything in life. When I say a project is done and give up on it, she can find the thread of hope and restructure it for optimal results.”  Roberta Smith, San Francisco.

“She just knows. Quick minded, detailed and easy to work with.” Donna Harrington, London.

“I worked with her about 10 years ago and at the time she said my daughter would be in the music business not the opera and live in Los Angeles not New York and it wouldn’t be easy. Ten years later it’s all true!”

Martine N., Interior Designer

“One of the readings she did for me, I asked about my son. I wanted to know what college would be a good fit for him. He was thinking he wanted a jazz program. There were schools specific for jazz. The last school I mentioned was St. Olaf College, a private school with an intense academic program. It was not really on our priority list, but she said that one. So I got my son looking and he sent his music auditions in. It was completely the right choice, he had a fantastic experience. He’s now at Duke, on a full ride for Musicology, working on his PhD. Thank you.”

Jane E., Photographer

“I’m a professor at a university in the southeast. I consulted with Paula about my academic advancement. She happened to mention I would meet my husband at a conference. At the time, I had no conferences scheduled. A few years later, I attended a conference and met my husband. How did she know? Thank you! ”

Ruth S., Academic Professor

“KumariDevi (Paula) has been taking care of me since the 1990s, and I’m so much better under her counsel. She always sees what others don’t.”  Joanne A., New York

“Thank you so much for everything. KumariDevi has always been such a strong and pivotal influence in my life at my most trying, challenging, and triumphant times. Her abilities and guidance have always been laser-accurate, and I continue to implement changes in my life to the best of my abilities.” Karen Connor

“She’s worth every penny. Whatever her fee is, it’s well worth it.” Betty R., Social Worker, Washington DC