Sanatkumara Lord of Knowledge

The Ancient One, Sanatkumara, son of Shiva, known in Hinduism as the Lord of Knowledge. An unconditional loving presence and fearless defender for righteousness. Sanatkumara destroys the demons (ego) in the mind, guiding you towards the divine essence of God (Shiva) and illuminating your path to enlightenment. I Am That I Am.

About Sanatkumara

Sanatkumara manifests as a planetary wave of pure unconditional love and heightened awareness, propelling your senses to elevated states where hearts spontaneously open and a serene stillness settles within.

Sanatkumara or Skanda, is primarily known as a god of war. He’s not only a warrior deity but also a symbol of divine wisdom and spiritual victory. He is considered a teacher of the highest knowledge and spiritual practices. His role as a protector, warrior, and wise teacher makes him a beloved and revered figure in Hinduism.

Presiding over Earth and the universe, assuming the role of Planetary Logos within the current phase of the time/space continuum, Sanatkumara is celebrated in Hinduism as Skanda, Muruga, Subrahmanya, and Kartikeya. In metaphysics and the sacred domain of Shambhala, Sanatkumara assumes the esteemed roles of the First Hierophant, the Maha-Guru, and the preeminent guide in the evolution of Earth’s Fourth Globe. As the sun god, known in many ancient cultures, especially as RA in Egypt and Horus, the all-seeing eye of God. As the son of Parvati and Shiva and the brother of Ganesha.

Sanatkumara rides a peacock named Paravani, which signifies his victory over desire and arrogance, often represented by the peacock’s behavior and plumage. He leads the divine army and is invoked for protection and victory in battles.

Divine Plan

Silently leading humanity to fulfill the Divine Plan for Earth, Sanatkumara teachings are found in the Chandogya Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras. In the Yoga Sutras, Sanatkumara mapped out for Patañjali the keys to enlightenment and how to develop a relationship with the inner Self. Sanatkumara is a Hindu deity that destroys the “negative ego” and guides you to the Divine within.

Drawing upon the assistance of revered deities such as Hathor, Jesus, Buddha, and other divine beings. Sanatkumara graciously descended upon Earth’s solar system to aid in the collective ascension of humanity, and has been in this quadrant of the Universe over 50 million years ago.

Experience Sanatkumara

Sanatkumara’s true essence is best experienced in silence. One who blesses and protects those who ardently seek His grace, Sanatkumara awakens your heart to know the Self. A radiant and youthful light-being whose essence exudes a playfulness and innocent charm.

What People Say!

“Sanatkumara resides here. I check-in with KumariDevi to reconnect.” Ken Ballard, Tour leader, Thailand

“I like to stay connected to Sanatkumara. I often put her website up on my browser at work to stay hooked into the most profound loving energy I’ve ever experienced.” Mary A., Programmer

“I purchased crystals from KumariDevi and when they arrived in the mail the energy was so profound I couldn’t believe it. Where can I get more?” Donald F., Scholar

“Sanatkumara loving unconditional energy flooded me once I made contact. Gently placing me back on my spiritual path with love. My life is changing once again, and I feel renewed and awakened.” Theresa M, Massage Therapist

Meditate with Sanatkumara

Sanatkumara is best experienced in silence. Sit facing south, close your eyes, and bring all your attention to your heart chakra. OM is the vibration of the universe.

Symbolism of Six Faces

Six faces of Lord Muruga (Sanatkumara) symbolize the manifestation of the supreme self.

  1. The first face of Lord Muruga removes ignorance and spiritual darkness engulfing the world.
  2. The second face of Lord Muruga boons on devotees who follow dharma.
  3. The third face protects and watches the pujas and offerings of devotees and blesses those devotees offering it with a pure mind.
  4. The fourth face of Lord Muruga helps those in search of self-realization and helps those investigating the truth of Om.
  5. The fifth face annihilates those who practice Adharma.
  6. The sixth face of Lord Muruga glances with love.

Sanatkumara Puja


About KumariDevi

KumariDeviKumariDevi (Paula Muran), the chosen purveyor of the spiritual teachings of the Divine deity Sanatkumara, emerges as a transformative force bridging the celestial realm and Earth.

She first encountered Kumara’s energy as a young adult living in Los Angeles. It was an evolutionary time in spirituality, with the onset of channeling and new-age philosophies. She met Bashar (channeled by Daryl Anka) in 1982 and became part of Bashar’s core group of weekly channeling classes in LA. Many people channeled the Michael Material, Seth, White Brotherhood, Athena, Merlin, Abraham and many other channels.

During a channeling class, the teacher asked everyone to open their crown chakras to allow spiritual energy in. The room became very still, and everyone felt a massively loving energy enter the room, and KumariDevi began channeling in an ancient dialect. She learned later this wasn’t the first time Kumara’s energy came to her. Kumara came to her as a child and guided her throughout her life. After the channeling class experience, she became consumed by the love of Kumara, and her life drastically changed. KumariDevi (Paula) began channeling publicly in Los Angeles, San Francisco and London in the 1980s.


Sanatkumara Golden Picture


Sanatkumara Spray
