purify body templeEmotional Healing With the Chakras

Keep your vibe high and chakra’s balanced. As an energetic being, you have limitless potential, but life can come to a complete stop when you get stuck.

Emotional Healing through the Chakras brings vitality back, releases stuck emotional energy, pent-up anger and frustration, and releases cellular memory. Retune each chakra starting at the base and working up to the crown.

Like a Soul Retrieval, lost parts of you are called back. Or like Diksha healing, a technique where Divine light and love are transferred directly into your crown chakra and filter down to the lower chakras, untying the knots of negative thinking, fear, and hurt.

 “Our biology and especially our immune system are affected by how we think and feel.”–Bruce Lipton, Author

Chakra Emotional Healing sessions focus on emotional energy stuck in the chakras.

  • Energetic releases
  • Accessing past life connections
  • Calling in power animals
  • Channeled messages
  • Spirit guide messages

Emotional Healing Sessions

With her highly developed energy medicine skills and peerless intuition, KumariDevi (Paula Muran) is an expert at reading energy, allowing her to gather and interpret information about your whole being. She calls in your ancestors and spirit guides and channeled messages are offered.  With finely tuned awareness, she facilitates frequency shifts and recalibrates your energy field, spins the chakras of stuck emotions, and you receive a direct transmission of unconditional love to elevate and restore balance to your nervous system and energy body.

“All I can say is WOW!  Past memories flooded through me in a way that I can acknowledge and understand and let them go. I feel long-standing sadness lifting. Talking to my inner child is very helpful and I will write with her and do things we couldn’t do before. Thank you!!”  Diane, New Mexico

“After my chakra balancing session, I laid down and fell asleep right away. Later I noticed my old patterns of thinking were not present. I wasn’t jealous or had insecurities. I didn’t need to be on Facebook as before the session. Today I feel fabulous. Thank you so much I feel my heart is healing.” Traci M., ABQ

What People Say!

“I had surgery, and Paula (KumariDevi) insisted on balancing my chakras to get me back on my feet more quickly. The incision was swollen, and my mind was foggy. She worked her magic, and the next day I woke up with amazing clarity and no swelling. What can I say? Her work is miracle healing. Thank you!” Angie Z., Therapist

“I pulled my back out and couldn’t move. Naturally, I called Paula (KumariDevi), and with her amazing healing, I didn’t have any pain by the time I was off the phone. The following day I was good to go back to work, and no discomfort. Thank you! “ Deb S., New Mexico

“KumariDevi honed into the issue no one could identify, not even the doctor.” Tom C., Ohio

“I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful healing and intuitive reading last week.  You were so present and balanced in your delivery of information, I really felt like you were there for me in an honorable way.  It was complete and beautiful! ” Terri, Roswell, Georgia

“Your healing work is tremendously helpful. I feel so different in many ways. I don’t feel the anger, fear, or sadness attachments I felt previously toward my mother. You are a blessing, and I am so grateful to you.” Joanne, New Mexico

“I attended a free class with KumariDevi. We were only talking and she said she would align my chakras. She didn’t touch me. The next day I felt completely different–in a good way. Thank you!!”  Linda H., New Mexico

What You Gain

  • Deep sense of inner peace
  • Optimal health and wellness
  • Balanced energy, and chakra alignment
  • Vitality in the body, mind, and soul
  • Freedom from anxiety and stress
  • Trauma releases from the body and mind


Energy Chakra healing sessions are over the telephone or via Skype (no video). Once your session is scheduled, KumariDevi will tune into you and start picking up information. You’ll feel the energy shifting in your body and mind. Some pattern identification is done in energy chakra healing, but there is no releasing of patterns. For additional questions, email admin@kumarainstitute.com.

Yearly Self-Care

Self-care is one of the most important tasks you do for yourself. Daily, weekly and monthly self-care is important to maintaining your mind, body and soul. Stay motivated and resilient in 2024 with monthly chakra alignment and energy healing.

Phenomenal Healing

“I was diagnosed with acute and chronic ulcers of the small intestine. For eleven years, I struggled with constant pain. Every meal was challenging because of indigestion, pain, and often vomiting. My medications became stronger through the years, but the symptoms did not disappear. Nothing helped the pain or kept the infections from the ulcerations from entering my bloodstream. By the mid-1990s, I had exhausted most of my medical options. My prognosis was not good. My grandparents lived in New Mexico and had been receiving healing sessions from Paula (KumariDevi), who thought she could help me.

The healing session was unique and challenging to describe, “out of body” is all that comes to mind. She worked on me for at least two hours. During the session, I lay face down on a massage table. Paula and her spirit guides worked on an energy field called a grid. She completely replaced my intestines, repaired supporting organs, removed old attachments, and cleaned my energy fields.

I made another appointment the next day because of the timing of my visit. The second visit was just as intense as the first. Reinforcing and continuing unfinished healing work. I followed her instructions on the diet and clean water.

After returning home, I had an endoscopy procedure done. The results astonished my surgeon, the ulcers were gone, and new pink skin had replaced the ulcers, with no open sores and no infection. For the first time in ten years, I could eat without pain. I knew I was healed. I also knew I had to change my thoughts and allow the integration of the new energy to keep myself healthy. For me, it was a miracle. I am now healthy.” Thank You. Light and Love, Rhonda N., Chandler

About Chakras

The word “chakra” comes from Sanskrit and means wheel or circle. Chakras are wheels of energy or fields of consciousness. The chakra system coordinates its energy and influences the nervous system.

There are seven main body chakras, one on each palm, one on the bottom of each foot and five above the head. More minor chakras are found in other locations around the body too. Energy starts at the molecular level and travels outward, emitting a field of frequencies around the body called the aura. Chakra energy gets stuck from stress, processed foods, overwhelm, anger, and fear, causing discomfort, pain and illness. To maintain optimum good health and a happy buzz all day long, it’s healthy to keep the chakras spinning clockwise.

Read About the Chakras

chakra healing