Purify Your Body Temple

Emotional + Chakra Healing Guided Visualization

purify-body-templePurify Your Body Temple, is a guided visualization, releasing emotional memory held in the physical body and transforming limiting thinking and beliefs.

  • Connect with Higher Self
  • Twelve Chakra Healing
  • Open the Golden Lotus in Your Heart

Spin the Chakras

Your body is a temple, the house of the Soul, and it remembers all experiences until consciously changed. Unwind outdated emotional memories and other childhood trauma of hurt, fear, and abandonment. Chakras hold energy, and the energy gets stagnant due to stress. Purify Your Body Temple spins each chakra counterclockwise to create slight chaos to release emotions and disease from the physical body.

Start at the base chakra, moving up to the crown, and then to the twelfth chakra, you are elevated into a higher mind. Connect with your Higher Self at the twelfth chakra and fill the physical body with the gold nectar of Universal Source Energy.

Up-level the frequency in the physical and emotional bodies and feel lighter and less burdened by stuck energy.

  • Arouse and release deeply buried subconscious memories
  • Become less defensive and triggered
  • Activate higher levels of consciousness
  • Become empowered and happier

Chakra Emotional Healing

Purify deep emotional wounding and free trapped energy from your body and mind. Activate all twelve chakras from the base to the crown and the five esoteric chakras above the head. At each chakra point, you are guided to unwind the energy to let go of stored emotional Purify Your Body Templememory. As emotional energy re-calibrates, you feel balanced and lighter.

Emotions layer into the body and mind from experiences building resistance and creating emotional armor and defenses. Stored emotional energy weakens the body and often causes chronic pain, especially joint, mobility and lower back issues. Emotional suffering stems from holding on to hurt and anger for too long.

Self-Care with Purify Your Body Temple

Carve out an hour for yourself, sit in a comfortable place away from family and pets, and follow along to Purify Your Body Temple guided meditation once a week for four to six weeks. Be patient with yourself as you work through the emotional healing. An ancient Sufi method is used to unwind energy and beautiful flute music along KumariDevi’s (Paula Muran) soothing voice and divine grace.

Image the chakras as golden plates in your body, and the plates are stacked starting from the base chakra to the crown chakra and five chakras above the head, with the spine going through the middle of the chakra. Imagine the chakra opening by spinning the plate counterclockwise or to your left. Only imagine the spinning with your mind and not your eyes; otherwise, you’ll get dizzy.

You are guided to call forward emotional pain and physical body aches, pains, or disease to meet the golden light in the chakra. Anything out of balance and causing stress comes to meet the golden light for transformation. Purify Your Body Temple guided practice works best with an open mind and imagination.

**Always be in a quiet place when listening to any guided practice, and do not drive.

What People Say!

This process is revolutionary!” Ruth A., Yoga Teacher

The most powerful guided meditation I’ve ever done.” Dan E., Acupuncturist, MD

Every time I listen to the visualization I peel another layer off and it feels so good”. Jeri L., Therapist

Thank you for the wonderful meditation. It was intense; the Kundalini was steadily burning and buzzing throughout. While imagining the chakras spinning counter-clockwise I did feel a release/purging. Some chakras were more challenging than others. I really liked what you said about blockages and negative patterns being energy that becomes shaped by certain judgments. Immediately afterwards I felt at peace and tuned into God-consciousness. The background music was quite soothing. Thank you again, sending you love blessings!” Rudra Dass

Powerful!!  Joannie Smithson, Writer


Timeless Wisdom

Paula Muran (KumariDevi) is a channel to Sanatkumara and taught meditation and healing classes. Purify the Body Temple channeled through as a powerful way to heal emotional memory. In 2003, Purify the Body Temple was recorded onto the CD, selected by One Spirit Book Club, and received national attention.

In 1994, Paula traveled to England. First, she spoke at the Body-Mind Expo in London and then spent two months in London offering healing sessions. Clients came from all over Europe to work with her. A friend took her to explore crop circles. They stopped at a local metaphysical shop, and bumped into Lucy Pringle, who said, “You must go see this new crop circle that arrived.” Without much thought, they drove to the area, not knowing exactly where they were going, parked the car, walked over to the knoll, and there it was. Twelve circles in one row, all connected, the extra picture of what Paula was shown in Purify the Body Temple meditation.

While walking through all the twelve circles, they met a man with dowsing rods, who said, “This is weird because crop circles go clockwise, but all the circles are going counterclockwise.” They both felt tremendous energy walking through a field of tall grass and into the crop circles.

You’ll understand more when you listen to “Purify Your Body Temple.” Paula (KumariDevi) anchors in the Divine Feminine by blending the male and female polarities, creating unity. Purify Your Body Temple was created in 1993 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. To the right is Paula standing in one of the crop circles.

