Emotional and mindset healing is not an overnight fix. It takes time to turn your thinking around and experience life from a different perspective.

Working on past traumas takes courage to admit you have issues. Of course, you didn’t create the trauma that your parents or other adults did, however, now that you are an adult, you can change your mind and how you feel. Emotional patterns set in after repeating the same behaviors. Your mind likes patterns, it helps you think, however, when patterns are destructive, it’s not beneficial for you. Destructive thinking limits views of who you are, for example, unhappy, not enough, feeling inaccurate, low self-esteem, overthinking and emotionally addictive behaviors.

Signs you are emotionally healing start with you looking inwards.

Emotional Healing

1. Thoughts become more positive. You no longer dwell on the negative and find peace in the calmness of positivity. Know that everyone has similar issues. Your relationship with fear or anger is different, but anger is still that overwhelming explosive feeling that captures your attention. Remember, there’s no new anger–it’s all from past unresolved issues.

2. Who and how you interact with others improves. Positive inward change means you understand what makes you tick or happy. Life has more meaning, and you enjoy the company of others better.

3. You are less triggered. Triggering or being reactive is caused by old wounding. Have you ever been with someone who gets easily triggered or angry when you mention something about them or their behavior? Instant anger or frustration is a sign of being emotionally triggered, and it’s when you snap off the handle over little things in life.

4. Physical health improves when your emotional health improves. Your physical body stores emotions, too, especially in the lower back, intestines and joints. Healthy thoughts keep your body in good shape. Anxiety reduces as you recognize your self-sabotaging behaviors and change them.

5. You’ll stop complaining and become proactive. Taking care of your health–body and mind (emotions) is a full-time job. You’ll notice past emotional wounds no longer define you as a person. You’ll step into personal power and gain self-worth and self-confidence.

You must heal yourself before you can help others mature. Take a step to look inwards in 2023 and sign up for KumariDevi’s yearly program. Receive a complimentary discovery session to see if you are ready to heal emotionally on your spiritual awakening path.

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