The outer world, everything that is outside of you, is created by the collective consciousness–by the thoughts and feelings of everyone who makes up humanity. Everyone’s opinions are projected into the world and are acted out by other people. It’s as though thoughts are the enemy fueling rage and disharmony. To experience enlightenment,  5D reality or inner peace, you must become aware of what you think and how you feel (self-awareness) and tame the wild ego mind. As you awaken, Kumara-Awakeningthinking changes and you become calmer and experience inner peace.

The ego is often called “demon or devil” perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “they are struggling with demons.” Of course, there’s no evil force in mind; rather it’s a phrase used to describe the opposite (duality) of good or positive.

The ego is also the shadow. People try to keep the shadow hidden from other people’s view. Both demon and shadow, make up the limiting ego (daily narrative and commentary) and what you want to tame in meditation or by working on yourself.

When Yogi’s meditated for month’s or year’s in Himalayan mountain caves, they addressed their demons. They often battled the ego until there was nothing left to battle and that’s when they walked out of the cave. In essence, they unwound the beliefs they inherited and created, broke down the barriers of limitation to free themselves.

I’m sure not many people have stone caves in their backyards nor time to spend addressing their ego’s in such a dramatic way. My programs and courses help you dismantle the mind’s repetitive nature and unwind the ego from its tight grip on false realities.

People create realities to help fit into their family, into society or whatever else that makes them feel comfortable. If you genuinely want to live your life, you’ll want to unwind the beliefs that you inherited from your family and step into YOU–your truth. It takes courage to live authentically and mindfully.


Last week I talked about the ego (join the newsletter if you are new) and taming the wild mind. In yoga and mindfulness suffering comes from the separation of wholeness, and from believing in fear and doubt, worry and anger.

We are taught at a very young age that fear is present and we should fear life, fear love, but average fear, not the fear of driving off a cliff type of fear, is a made-up illusion from the ego mind, it’s something learned from experiences, although at times can feel very real.

In the bigger picture, Soul or True Self, is not defined by the outer world, it’s not limited by things, other people, your career or finances. It is free from sin, hurt, and judgments. Also, Soul can’t be evil, or bad, nor has it ever left you.

The soul is what you want to awaken too—a loving perspective without placing judgment or attachments on anything. Judgments are excuses, criticisms, and are fear based.

The ego (personality) mind doesn’t want you to realize that you have the power to awaken, so it talks you out of progress, creates fear, holds you back, distracts, it loves to control and manipulate, the ego likes to be right, and loves duality: negative and positive.

Awakening to your truth, true self, soul or 5D is a process of viewing life from a different perspective. Before enlightenment, people experience life as though they are victims and play in the realm of blame as if the world is out to hurt them. Blame creates an ego story, boundaries, negative people and having to be strong to defend oneself. Only the ego can get hurt.

An awakened/enlightened person, one who aspires to live in balance with creation experiences life differently. These people understand they create life and realize that everyone is a reflection of them: positive or negative. These people are ready to look at their creations, are emotionally mature and desire to live peaceful, abundant lives.

Self-awareness is a great gift to give to you in 2019. Being self-aware is being mindful and takes slowing down to be present with one’s self.

Where Are You?

Where are you on the path to self-awareness?



My spiritual path began right after college. I moved to Manhattan for work, and I would sit with Buddhist Lamas and Rinpoche’s as often as possible. I attended many silent retreats, and my first yoga class was in 1976. At one Buddhist event, the presiding Guru pointed directly at me and said, “Young lady you’ll experience nirvana in this life.”  Nine years later, my mind silenced and I experienced a spiritual awakening. All that I knew to be real was not, and it felt like the inner structures of my mind collapsed. Mostly, I feel in love with everyone and every part of creation.

My spiritual path has been diverse over the years, and I have experienced almost everything that’s out there. What’s offered in my work, is the truth. A type of Truth that awakens you beyond fear and doubt. Let’s work together to advance you on your spiritual path and for you to experience inner peace.

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