Chanting mantras help you keep your mind focused. Mantras first originated in Sanskrit as sound. The best-known mantra is OM (or Aum), the primordial sound. A bija mantra is a one-syllable sound and means “seed,” and mantra, man, meaning “to think,” and tra, meaning “liberate.” Each of the seven chakras has a sound associated with them to balance the body and mind.

Seed Mantras

Here are the seven Seed Mantras. Begin each morning with one of the tones. Or recite all seven to align your chakras and restore balance to your mind and body.

  • Lam – Muladhara (root), the first chakra 
  • Vam – svadisthana (spleen or sacral), second chakra
  • Ram – Manipura (solar plexus), third chakra
  • Yam – Anahata (heart), fourth chakra
  • Ham – Visuddha (throat), fifth chakra
  • Sham – Ajna (third eye), sixth chakra
  • Om – Sahasrara (crown), seventh chakra

Chant the mantras while relaxed in a cross-legged seated position or while lying down.

Practice Bija Mantras

Bija mantras activate each chakra to spin clockwise the correct way and are easy to remember and chant. Suitable to use while practicing breathing exercises. For example, use the counting breath and chant together. Or chant one bija mantra all day – one mantra a day for seven days. At work, you can chant the bija mantras silently to yourself.

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He chants all the Bija mantras.