The ego-mind loves to attach to ideas and concepts to create meaning, which ends up causing suffering. The mind takes sides–causing duality. For example, if this happens, I’ll do this. If he/she loves me, I’ll feel whole and happy. This idea can’t lead anywhere substantial because the mind seeks gratification causing more separation.

In Enlightenment (Self-Realization) training, to collapse duality means to have experiences without attaching any feeling or additional thoughts to the experience. Be present with the experience. This keeps the mind still, and the body and mind awareness in balance.

It might seem natural to want something or want others to give us hope and happiness, but in truth, these concepts orignate from our own self and must be realized by that.

Collapsing duality is having experiences without attaching any additional thoughts to the experience. Be present and mindful with the experience, keeping the mind still, and the body and mind awareness in balance.