Navigating the path to spiritual awakening can be challenging. Have you ever considered what you’re awakening from? Essentially, spiritual awakening involves transcending the ego-mind’s controlling nature and shifting your perspective from the conditioned self to your true essence.

Weekly Dose of Enlightenment

Many people find themselves caught up in drama, which often revolves around negative attention-seeking behaviors. Drama frequently involves hurt, anger, and perceived slights from others, stemming from unresolved issues. Over time, unresolved hurt leads to feelings of anger and frustration, which become deeply ingrained patterns of thinking. This habitual identification with hurt, anger, and fear can overshadow our true self, leading us to mistakenly believe that negative emotions define who we are. However, you are not defined by your fear, anger, hurt, or drama.

Hurt Feelings

The original hurt originates from childhood experiences, particularly from parents. While some may trace this feeling back to a perceived disconnection from a higher power or source, many people carry the memory of this early emotional wound throughout their lives. This original hurt can influence relationships and personal interactions, causing us to internalize negative beliefs about ourselves, such as “I’m not good enough” or “I’m unlovable.”

The Road to Awakening

On the path to awakening, it’s essential to examine any attachment creating hurt, anger, or fear and ask yourself, “Who is hurt?” It’s typically the ego-personality that feels hurt, not your true self or soul. You must disengage from self-inflicted pain, whether it’s through negative self-talk, substance abuse, or self-harming behaviors. Your true self, soul, or spirit cannot be harmed. Awakening involves realizing that no one can truly hurt your true essence.


Dharma represents universal truth and righteousness. It’s the inherent path of right action and understanding that aligns with your true essence. Living in alignment with your dharma means moving beyond ego-driven identifications like pride and hurt and embracing a selfless love. The key question to ask is, “How can I serve love?” rather than serving the ego. Are you living in alignment with your dharma or caught up in drama?

In summary, the journey to awakening involves recognizing and releasing the ego’s grip on your life, understanding that your true essence is untouched by external events, and aligning yourself with your dharma or universal truth.

Be Happy

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