Divine Feminine is honored as a mother and worshiped as a Goddess. She is a sacred aspect of you, radiating serenity, patience, and compassion with a mission to infuse all things with love.

The qualities of the divine feminine are seen throughout many religious and spiritual traditions in the form of feminine warriors, and goddess, starting with Hathor, Durga from Hinduism, and Venus in Roman mythology.

Rediscovering Your Inner Radiance

The Divine Feminine represents nurturing, and empowering qualities often associated with femininity. It is a spiritual and archetypal concept that transcends gender and is present in both men and women. The Divine Feminine encompasses various attributes, including:

  • Nurturing and Compassion: The Divine Feminine embodies unconditional love, compassion, and empathy. It is a nurturing force that cares for and supports all life. Emphasizing empowerment, particularly for women but also for men, Divine Feminine encourages everyone to embrace self-worth and self-love.
  • Creativity and Fertility: This aspect represents the creative and fertile energies of life. It is associated with the ability to birth new ideas, projects, and life.
  • Intuition and Wisdom: The Divine Feminine is regularly linked to intuitive wisdom and a deep connection to inner knowledge. It emphasizes the importance of trusting one’s intuition and inner guidance.
  • Balance and Harmony: It encourages a balance between the masculine and feminine energies within individuals and the world, seeking harmony and unity rather than division and conflict.
  • Connection to Nature: The Divine Feminine is closely connected to nature and the cycles of life, such as the moon’s phases, seasons, and the earth’s rhythms.
  • Sacred Union: The concept of the Divine Feminine often complements the Divine Masculine, representing a harmonious balance between the two energies.

The Divine Feminine is a symbol of profound spirituality and inner peace, reminding you of the importance of embracing feminine qualities and achieving a harmonious balance between both masculine and feminine energies in your life.


Hathor is the Goddess of love and the true love of Horus. She leads you to the Divine through your shadows and into the light. She’s the primordial mother and light-worker. Hathor opens your third eye and heart for you to see and remember your true Self.

The Ancient Egyptian’s believed in the sky elements, animal spirits and flowers and plants healing abilities. The Hathor image to the right is a cow and a woman’s face, which was a great honor and she held great power.
