Living a self-empowered life has been a goal of many women on a spiritual path. Being self-empowered means being free but in a different sense of the word. Most people define freedom as a democracy; I describe it as freedom from fears, unworthiness, unhappiness, disappointments, demands, and expectations.

How Do You Define an Empowered Life?

We often don’t realize how disempowered we live. Do you live your life on the premise that you can control your happiness?  And that it’s not dictated by what others do or say or how the world reacts. Do you realize that you have a say so at the doctor’s office?  The doctor’s office is a commonplace where we lose our self- empowerment.

We so often live life disconnected from what we truly want. Becoming self-empowered and living in balance between physical and spiritual wellbeing can change that. When you live empowered day to day women empowerment coaching routines, are met with a positive appreciation rather than a rushed aggravation. Imagine not feeling selfish to take time for yourself by taking a yoga class or sitting quietly for 20 minutes to meditate. Imagine meals that are no longer rushed, instead of finding joy in the preparation—sitting down with your family every night and eating meals as a family—turning off the phones, the TV, and engaging in conversation.

Women empowerment coaching in its simplest form means taking charge of your own life: health, wealth, and happiness. We are so controlled by the outer forces of the world we generously give everyone our power except ourselves.

How would your life be different if you were empowered? What would it feel like if you could control your happiness?  Would you no longer feel held back by what society has told you that you can and can’t do? Would you be more motivated to accomplish your goals and grab life by the horns rather than watch from the sidelines? Imagine picking up a beauty magazine and not allowing it to tell you what defines beauty in your life. Living a life empowered means you live on your terms. Not out of anger or frustration, though, out of a genuine appreciation, inner peace, and clarity.

As women, we are taught to pamper ourselves and be girly girls, yet everything from the outside world denies us that right. We are not thin enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough and one negative outweighs the positives. We put ourselves down and diminish our beauty and talents. We build up defenses and walls that affect relationships. We shut down and start to believe this behavior is where we need to be. We quickly judge the negative and easily hold onto anger, bitterness, insecurities, and anxieties. Why do we allow ourselves to do this?

You have the power! Challenge yourself! Embrace the strength of your feminine right now! Imagine how it would feel to stand in your power, not defined by magazines, friends, and others.

Imagine what we can do as women if we start thinking outside the box! The possibilities are truly limitless. We each hold the keys, and working privately with KumariDevi’s insights, you learn how to unlock the doors, dismantle the wall, set aside the fears and unworthiness, and embrace the truth of YourSelf.

It’s your time to say– I am enough, I have self-confidence, I am pretty, I can achieve, and I am willing to let go of all the old baggage. It’s time to own your unique presence. Give yourself permission to live Self-Empowered by our women empowerment coaching.