Women’s Healing Circle

Women of ABQ and Rio Rancho, let’s come together and heal your hearts and uncover your true Self. In person starts January 27 in North Rio Rancho at a private home. Space is very limited. Only register if you are serious in attending. Email: admin@kumarainstitute.com. There’s a small donation/fee to attend.

It’s time to awaken, to challenge your limiting beliefs, and to embrace the strength and vulnerability of the Divine Feminine within. Are you willing to take responsibility for yourself and create a life of balance and joy that serves your deepest beliefs and desires?

Journey into your Sacred Self

  • Learn powerful tools to release limiting beliefs
  • Heal the feminine shame and guilt
  • Release feeling not enough, and self-doubt
  • Open the heart and third eye
  • Chakra alignment

2024 Schedule

  • January 27
  • February 24 (actual Full Moon)
  • March 23
  • April 20

No drugs or smoking. You’ll be asked to remove your shoes upon entering. Bring your meditation cushion and water. All events are a judgment-free zone. Dress appropriately for attendance at a meditation event. Women do not wear short shorts, short skirts, or cleavage showing, especially if you plan to sit on the floor. In India, it’s sacrilegious to show your feet to the teacher. Please be on time.

“KumariDevi’s house is a healthy and sacred place for me. Thank you!” Happy Meditator

What People Say!

“Paula (KumariDevi) posted on social media, “Give me a year, and I’ll turn your life around.” She was not kidding. I attended her in-person monthly group healing classes for about a year, and my entire life has turned around to the positive.” Tracy, Albuquerque

Email to attend and for address. admin@kumarainstitute.com

Inner Child Healing

Imagine a life free from fear and doubt—where personal fulfillment flourishes, the psyche remains unharmed, and energy flows effortlessly. Yet, for many, life becomes a constant struggle, plagued by unhappiness and a disconnection from their healthy inner child. Fortunately, there is a remarkable opportunity to consciously reunite the inner child with the adult self, healing the pervasive sense of separation that plagues so many individuals. The path to happiness and wholeness is rediscovered through inner child healing retreats, nurturing profound self-awareness.

The Genesis of Life

Life begins with boundless curiosity and innocence, a realm of pure joy. At birth, we embody a unique set of circumstances, our tapestry of experiences. Infants radiate true happiness, intimately connected to their Divine essence. They can see beyond illusions, often forging connections with spirit guides and unseen realms. In this state, we are akin to blank canvases, ready to embark on the journey of a new life.

Awakening the Inner Child is an experiential workshop, and unlocks the extraordinary potential to live a happy life.

Awakening Inner Child, is on Sunday, March 24, 2024. Space is very limited. Register early. Corrales location is given after registration. Bring a yoga mat, pillow, and blanket for your comfort. Light organic snacks and beverages are included.

Divine Awakening: Inner Child Healing is a spiritual workshop and weaves emotional healing, and breathing together. It’s not psychotherapy.