As women, we are taught not to pamper ourselves. We are not thin enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, and the negative outweighs the positives. We put ourselves down and diminish our beauty and talents. We build up defenses and walls that affect relationships.  We are quick to believe the negative and hold onto anger, bitterness, and insecurities.Kumara-Healing

Imagine how it would feel to stand in your power, not defined by magazines, friends and others. You have the ability!  It’s time to awaken. Let’s embrace the strength of your feminine right now!

Divine Feminine

Feminine energy is naturally giving especially when she understands her inner self with compassion and love. Love is being vulnerable and open. Love is expressing feelings and thoughts. Love is the freedom to be totally you without holding yourself back from anything. Love is boundaries. Love is the ability to say “no” when you need to. Love is understanding. Love is forgiving.

Feminine is “being” present, vs. masculine is “doing” energy.  A balanced feminine is self-confident, assured, respectful to herself. She’s worthy and abundant.  Women are emotionally attached to their life and must feel their way vs. thinking their way through life. When you feel balanced on the inside, as a woman, you are a superpower.

Feminine Patterns

A driven self-starter who is motivated to produce results isn’t always balanced feminine energy. She might be guided to prove herself in business or love. In situations where you feel motivated to show the world who you are, the patterning is with the father’s energy. Fathers are your second most important relationship in life.

The father-daughter relationships set the feminine energy in motion as a child. As a child, if you felt unsure of your relationship with your father, or the father was alcoholic, and the feeling of walking on eggshells or feared the father, it set up a patterning of fear of being seen in the world or overcompensating at work or in love.

Growing up in a single-family home, or where the father was missing or emotionally distant, causes emotional issues of abandonment, trust, and feeling unloved by men. Women then seek out men (or women) in search of “daddy’s” love. And, not having a clear and powerful voice in the world, being fearful of speaking up, “what will others think” are all part of the patterning with alcoholic or abusive fathers. When the feminine closes her heart and shuts down, she becomes bitter, angry and resentful.

Patterning Causes Women To

  • Fear men
  • Fear the world
  • Fear of making money

Women especially become fearful of stepping out on their own and fear ridicule. Handling emotional stressors can cause you, inner child, to seek refuge from a cruel world and stay stuck in relationships or remain single instead of opening the heart.

Noticing Patterns

Do you get triggered by conversations, behaviors and gestures and common situations get blown out of proportion? Old patterns and beliefs aren’t always noticed because emotional memory is buried under many layers of life experiences. Children watch and mimic their parent’s behaviors. Perhaps never witnessing any togetherness. Or on going arguing and fighting. The child grows up thinking it’s normal to raise their voice in relationships.  All childhood issues play out in relationships and business if not dealt with.

If you grew up watching your mother being a doormat to the father, doing everything for him (as his mother did for him before they were married) because he is emotionally absent and never met any of her needs.

Or a relationship break-up triggers severe anger issues to come up. Have you ever been challenged and lost your cool? Or been fired and really lost your temper?  Why would a simple challenge or being fired be so upsetting? When anger arises, it is because of unresolved earlier traumas in childhood that have not been dealt with. We normally don’t relate emotions to forgotten experiences.

Success in Life

Women who want successful relationships with men or women need to address their father issues to have happy relationships or success in business. It’s not necessarily the father’s personality but who he represented to you. Realizing your parents did the best they could is a good justification, but it doesn’t help you heal. Please get brutally honest with yourself and look beyond the surface to find the root causes of hurt and anger along with the push away from love that started a separation in your consciousness.

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