Do you want to be free of fear? How many times have you tried to make a change in your life only to fall back into the same self-sabotaging routine? Perhaps you committed to free yourself from fear and get healthier in the New Year by changing how you think and feel but found yourself giving up after a few weeks. Maybe you pledged to quit seeking unhealthy relationships with partners who leave you feeling unfulfilled, only to find yourself walking right back into them.

Why do you avoid doing that which you know will improve your life? Why do you embrace self-sabotage and resistance?

The answer is often rooted in the desire to avoid uncertain outcomes. Recent research has suggested humans are so hardwired to avoid uncertainty that we prefer specific adverse outcomes over an uncertain future.

We find uncertainty so uncomfortable because it is inextricably tied to fear of the unknown, fear in our abilities, or fear of failure. Fear can cripple forward motion and keep us wallowing in the same unhappy and unfulfilling place when it takes center stage in our lives. We begin to create a self-fulfilling prophecy—I’m afraid, so I resist change. I will likely fail, then I fail because I’m resisting the steps necessary to elicit change.

So how do we break the cycle?

We must acknowledge that at the heart of fear lies trauma.

Before you can stop resisting change, you must address the fear that keeps sabotaging your efforts. And, to address the fear, you must deal with the underlying trauma that feeds it—trauma you may have been holding onto since early childhood or adolescence.

To stop living in a fear-based reality, join Trauma Release sessions. Here we will delve into the subconscious belief patterns and find the root of long-standing fear issues.

You’ll release the wounded self that has hindered your life and, along with it, pain, anger, and fear. Once you have dealt with the emotional wounds and addressed the root of your fears, you can put an end to the resistance that has plagued your life.

Free of Fear and Resistance

  1. Acknowledge Resistance and Fear

The habit of resistance takes time to break, so it is essential to acknowledge that you will face circumstances that cause resistance to rear its head. By recognizing when you feel resistance occurring, you’ll be able to create space between yourself and the resistance.

  1. Analyze the Feeling of Resistance and Fear

Once you feel the presence of resistance, take time to pause, breathe, and reflect on what the resistance makes you feel. Is it anxiety? Fear? Uncertainty? How does your body respond to resistance?

  1. Remember Your Motivation

If resistance is met because you’re trying to implement change, remind yourself why you want to make the change. Is it to improve your physical or emotional health? To better personal relationships? Further your career? Keeping your motivation at the forefront of the mind helps you persevere when resistance slows your momentum.

  1. Embrace the Power of “Yet”

Don’t view setbacks as failures, and embrace them as learning experiences that will help you overcome resistance in the long run. The word “yet” is small, but there’s so much hope and possibility wrapped up in it, and it can change the way you handle resistance.

Instead of saying, “I don’t have control over my finances,” tell yourself, “I don’t have control over my finances yet.” That small word conveys the power of the mind—just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it never will.

Don’t let resistance, fear, and old wounds suppress the infinite possibility found within your spirit. Release yourself from trauma, free yourself from fear, and learn to lean into the beauty and wonder of your life.

Be Free From Fear and Resistance
