In the story of Adam and Eve, the creative relationship between Infinite unconsciousness and Nothingness is again portrayed. Adam and Eve once slept happily together in the Paradise of the Beyond-Beyond. God is the All-Knowing. God created Adam and Eve initially, and they lived together in Paradise, Eden. In Paradise, their life was harmonious, beautiful and blissful, and God, whom they had never seen, cared for them in every way.

Adam is the first one, and he realizes himself as God. Eve followed Adam out of the garden because she was his shadow. When Eve said to Adam, “Eat this,” it was the same as when imagination said to the chicken, “Eat all you want.” In this way, both Adam and the chicken were deceived, but this deception is necessary to know knowledge as knowledge and ignorance as ignorance.

Adam entered creation from the state of sleep because of ignorance of his nature. Because Adam was ignorant, the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge very much attracted him, though he hesitated initially. The forbidden fruit contained the Alternative-ways-to-meditateknowledge of good and evil, the duality; it contained consciousness, the knowledge of consciousness and unconsciousness.

The snake represents an illusion and convinces Eve to tempt Adam. The fruit from the tree of knowledge represents the object that creates desire through temptation. Eden is the Beyond-Beyond state of God, the original form of everything. Adam entered creation because of the desire created by tasting the fruit; the more he ate, the more he desired to know himself. The taste of fruit gave Adam the knowledge of good and evil, meaning he knew the difference between being conscious and unconscious; he desired to be aware (to know).

The desire in Adam to know himself, “Who Am l?” Adam’s purpose in coming into creation was to realize “Who Am I?” but he could not know without desire, and that desire is called samskara. From that original desire to know came innumerable desires, samskaras, which make up the illusory consciousness of everyone and everything in creation.

Adam and Eve were naked in the beginning, meaning they had no samskaras, but without samskaras, there is no development of consciousness. Eve desired Adam, and Adam desired the fruit of knowledge. Adam could not realize himself without the desire to know — the fruit was the cause of his thirst for knowledge. As he ate and felt the grip of the samskaras, he desired more. It takes time to know the Self in the long process of evolution and reincarnation.

Infinite unconsciousness came out of the Beyond-Beyond and into creation because of the desire to be conscious.

Edited from the book, The Nothing and the Everything by Bhau Kalchuri, Pages 128 – 130, Copyright January 8, 1981, Lawrence Reiter, Published by Manifestation, Inc

Garden of Your Mind Manifestation

Your mind is the flowery nature of the Garden of Eden. As you read above, the Garden of Eden is about consciousness, especially God’s consciousness. Adam kept his mind from the dualistic nature of desire, which is paradise. When the mind remains even and still, your life is a mindful or present experience.

The infinite intelligent field, often called the electromagnetic field or quantum field becomes populated by thoughts and experiences, creating memories. Memory is built from emotional traumas and what also loops as a commentary in mind to resolve.

Listen to the Garden Visualization to help manifest new concepts or things into your life.