Cultivate the Garden of Your Mind

Garden of Your Mind

Garden Visualization is a powerful way to create manifestation for yourself.  A clear mind is key to achieving goals and living happy and fulfilled lives.

Use this step-by-step guided imagery and decide what you want, tune in, and plant new ideas and goals (new seeds) into the garden in mind. You’ll use the second and third chakras as the garden, and the guided imagery will help you create a perfect and beautiful garden and how to tend to it.

Practice cultivating your garden daily for three weeks to make sure your thoughts become things and bloom. Then you’ll see what weeds need pulling (limiting thoughts) from the garden in your mind.

It’s helpful to write down what you planted so you can gauge the growth of new ideas over the course of the next three months. Be very clear when planting new insights into your mental garden. Set aside about thirty minutes the first time you listen to the Garden visualization-guided process. Be in a quiet place and away from family and pets.

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