How to love you is a shift in perspective. Most of us were raised thinking all our needs come from others, including love, especially from our mothers and father who loved us. There comes a time around thirty years old when you need to shift from needing other people’s love to self-care and nurturing. Recognize self-love by the actions you take for yourself.

We develop conditioning, become unworthy of love, and push love away. Love, especially self-love or self-care, is essential to your well-being. Self-love is not selfish, and Self-love is not about giving something to the ego. Love is not associated with clothes or cars, and love can’t be controlled. Love is giving without wanting something in return. When you give to yourself, you nurture and nourish and thus accept you for yourself.

Ask yourself, is it easier to give love or to receive love? Typically, it’s easier to give love rather than accept it from others. Are you a giver or a receiver of love? Or both, do you feel equal?

 Three Aspects of Self Love

  • Honoring + Self Respect
  • Nurturing + Self Care
  • Accepting + Self Awareness

Self Respect + Honoring

Are you aware of how often you respect and honor yourself? Self-respect is a large part of self-love and self-worth and one of the most challenging things to do. Self-respect is feeling appreciated and worthy. It’s feeling enough and knowing your value. It’s a way to recognize yourself and give credit from the smallest moments to the most significant achievements of life.

How do you acknowledge your greatness every day? Here are some tips.

  • Tell yourself you are loved by saying, “I love me”
  • Acknowledge personal strengths
  • Be honest with yourself

How Do You Nurture Yourself

Nurturing is nourishing. What do you do daily that nourishes your body, mind, and spirit? Do you allow yourself to take afternoon breaks, indulge in hobbies, go to the movies in the middle of the afternoon, soak in a hot tub, or have lunch with friends?

What are some extraordinary things you do for “you” daily? Here are some tips.

  • Develop healthy relationships and share time with friends and family
  • Use organic soap and body lotion
  • Eat organic
  • Learn to say “no thank you”

Accept You

Do you accept you for being you? Sometimes people get acceptance mixed up with failing. Quite the contrary, accepting yourself allows situations and habits to change. When we can’t accept, we create resentment and anger and become bitter. Perhaps today you got angry today. It doesn’t mean you are always angry, but if you are, then here’s an opportunity to recognize what you want to work on. Accept who you are and where you are in life right now by saying, “I am good with me” or “I accept myself.”

Self Love

How would you like to increase self-love? Share your self-care tips in the comments. I would love to know what you do for yourself on a daily or weekly basis.