Journey To The Sacred

Journey to the Sacred is a quest for inner peace, enlightenment, and a deeper connection to the world around you. It’s a path unique to each individual and encompasses various aspects of life, from spirituality and personal growth to community and global awareness. Ultimately, it’s a voyage of self-discovery, wisdom, and a profound meaning and purpose.

Exploring transformation and a path leads you deeper into Self-awareness, connection, and fulfillment.

  • Discover Your Inner Self: Unearth the depths of your soul, exploring your beliefs, values, and purpose.
  • Connect Spiritually: Connect with a higher power or a sense of universal consciousness.
  • Embrace the Profound: Encounter the extraordinary and the meaningful in everyday life, recognizing the sacred in the ordinary.
  • Seek Higher Meaning: Reflect upon the greater purpose of your existence and how you contribute positively to the world.
  • Cultivate Mindfulness: Practice being present and fully engaged in the moment, finding the sacred in the now.

Interested in Scotland? We are finalizing the details right now. Email:

Workshops on Tour

Twenty-two years ago, KumariDevi created “Workshops on Tour.” It’s a unique opportunity to use the energy of sacred sites to delve into the Soul and Sacred Self. KumariDevi is known for her deep shadow work and blends spiritual workshops and sightseeing tours to sacred sites worldwide. Instead of popping in and out of temples, experience the sacredness of each temple and the culture.


About KumariDevi

Kumari-DeviSpiritual Master KumariDevi embodies a six-dimensional frequency of love. When in her presence, hearts open, emotional imprints dissolve, and something beautiful begins to awaken in you. She’s an Intuitive Healer, Shaman and Planetary Gatekeeper and the first of the 144,000 Spiritual Masters to descend to Earth to facilitate the transition of humanity’s awakening. With over thirty-five years of experience as a meditation teacher and retreat leader, KumariDevi is a seasoned guide who leads life-changing retreats and spiritual tours across the globe.

When KumariDevi walks into the ancient temples, her divine energy immediately activates dimensional gateways. You’ll feel an energy shift that offers instant access to past-life memories, ancient wisdom, and transformational energy. Traveling with KumariDevi, you take a quantum leap in consciousness, leaving you inspired and forever changed in a good way. She sees your truth, original Soul plan, and where it will take you. Because she’s free, she can set you free.

  • Her peerless intuition sees beyond the 3D and instantly retrieves your Soul’s signature.
  • Tap into ancient history and immerse yourself in an ancient civilization.
  • Enjoy spontaneous meditations in unexpected places to create spiritual expansion.
  • Participate in planetary work.

KumariDevi’s ultimate goal on every spiritual retreat is for you to encounter something truly magnificent and to expand your consciousness. Learn more about KumariDevi.

Scotland-Inner Child Retreat

What People Say!

“I am blessed and very grateful for the opportunity to be with KumariDevi and have an experience in Egypt. I was pushed and nudged in new ways, all good of course. In hindsight Egypt was an opportunity of a life-time.” Cecile L., California

“God works so strongly through KumariDevi. Her energy silently weaved through each of us throughout the Egypt trip.” Kimberly, Phoenix