Everything about you is Divine. Your true nature is infinite and eternal and can never disappear. Your divine light is without beginning or ending, beyond form or substance and the true essence of love. Your truth is profound inside it’s your core consciousness.

Enlightenment is experiencing life from a different perspective. But, right now, the ego mind won’t allow you to see it. The ego mind thinks about “me” and “mine.” For example, “I’m being hurt” or “I want a new car.” Or “I’ve got the power.”

Imagine your true Self as a gem embedded in your heart and covered by all these layers of programming and conditions. To experience happiness and live authentically and on the path to spiritual awakening, you want to peel back the layers of fear, anger, hurt, rejection, and unworthiness,meditation coaching allowing the true Self to emerge.

Develop a Relationship

 Your awareness of the world is mapped by how you feel and what you think. You want to resolve personal issues through meditation and working with old habits and thoughts as they occur so new layers don’t get added to the already established foundation. When you get to a point where you’re not being triggered by life and other people, you’ll be on your way to knowing the Self so much more profoundly.

Like all good and healthy relationships, knowing how to develop one that lasts takes time and practice. Relationships inspire and encourage you to reach beyond your average level of awareness. Good relationships come with compassion, forgiveness, and love. Developing a Relationship with Self is about knowing your inner Self. All your aspirations and dreams are available and in you right now. What’s blocking you from happiness or enlightenment are beliefs that say otherwise.

When you have a sense of self-awareness, you become mindful, gain emotional intelligence, and are not swayed by what others say about you. You remain present and stay present with a strong sense of personal understanding.

Quieting the Mind

The key to quieting the mind is not judging life experiences. I know it seems easy to say, and it’s more challenging. We are so accustomed to gossiping or adding personal opinions to experiences that we forget that this commentary keeps the ego-mind engaged and develops more stories, which the ego-mind loves. The wounded, sad story continues, and you feel separate from your true essence.

Defensiveness stems from unresolved past hurts. Who are you defending? The answer is ego. The ego seeks out emotional compensation to defend its post in life. The ego likes to prove a point, add an opinion, or seek identity. Ask yourself, “Why do I feel a need to defend myself? Answers would be something to do with needing to be right or seeking attention. People defend their inner child or their position in life.

Once you start to make peace with the past and emotional memories, you begin to let go of control and hurt, the thinking mind softens, and the mind quiets down.