Open your hearts, for God’s sake! We are in a transition period. It’s a call to action for all light-workers, spiritual people of Earth who have fallen asleep at the wheel. Although there seems to be progress, it isn’t the type of progress God had in mind. Earth changes, pending wars, environmental changes, and government upheavals it’s God’s way of saying WAKE-UP!

World situations point to your inner separation from your True God-self. This internal separation is apparent regardless of the belief system you have. If healed, events of this magnitude (Covid) would never be co-created. Yes, I did say co-created. As a collective consciousness, we created Covid.

Dark vs. Light

A virus is not the enemy, the fear it creates is the enemy, and it’s not outside you. It’s your fear and festering deep within you.
The enemy of anger, denial, confusion, and self-doubt are all aspects of you that you have not yet loved or even looked at.

When was the last time you were frozen in fear? Fear is more profound than you know and ever before. The idea of death used to scare you through psychological warfare shows how deeply grooved the trauma patterns are.


Vision of the Future

You asked for peaceful society, human connectedness, family get-together, less traffic, and what else did you ask for? A world with no war and where people lived harmoniously?

Do you think that world is suddenly and mysteriously going to jump out of the jack-in-the-box? We must work at it. Everyone, light-workers, Buddhists, and anyone who calls themselves spiritual, must do your inner work and address your fear, anger, and hurt. It’s not who you are. The true Self is not fearful or angry. Let go of the past injustices, emotional memory and trauma. Heal from the inside out. You have a responsibility to go inwards and love yourself (not selfish love), but self-care love.

To live in balance, you must dig deeper and experience your inner beauty. Stop pretending you are happy. Stop focusing on what you don’t have. Focus on what you want to create. Hold a positive vision for your sons and daughters.

There’s enough fear in the world to last another 10,000 lifetimes. You don’t need to add to it. Deal with your fear and stop projecting it outwards. Treat fear as a friend rather than a foe.

Change in Awareness

Why, as a consciousness do we keep repeating the same patterns and experiences? Each and every day you have gotten up and started over again, and the same is true lifetime after lifetime. Each lifetime provides certain soul experiences. Sometimes you learn from them and sometimes not.  Now, an opportunity exists to wake up forever! A rise to enlightenment that you all want is here. For millennium’s you waited, longing for experience to finally free yourself from fear buried deep within.

Second and Third Chakra

Not only is the mind full of negative self-talk, and fear but so is the body, the cells hold memory. Balance the mind, emotions, body and spirit to create wholeness and end separation.

The second chakra holds the energy of blame and guilt, and the third chakra carries the energy of fear and anger. For eons, separation has clouded your existence and created alienation from the Love of the Creator. In the likeness of creation, you are born, not in separation. You are born in the likeness of God.

You have feared your likeness from the beginning. Otherwise, you would not have had the experiences that awakened you at this time—fear was necessary. Now, the time has arrived to see beyond fear and enlighten the separated parts of Self with the golden light of God-consciousness-love. You are Love!

The second chakra is lack, and the third chakra is responsibility. Although you trotted through many lifetimes and have many experiences believing you took responsibility for the facade. You only threaded lightly on the concepts of self-responsibility.

Now, you must take full responsibility for everything you think, feel and create–the entire creation and all experiences and live fully present now. When the second and third chakras are completely aligned, the imbalances that sweep nations will eliminate forever.

Awakening of the New Earth

Outer conflicts occur because you danced with others before you danced with your True Self. Meaning you stepped outside of yourself before you committed yourself. Since this occurred for the entire consciousness and you went along with it, just as you did with religion, law, politics, and so much more.

The creation of this nation and each of you shall become more apparent as you take self-responsibility. What is occurring for your nation and consciousness is exposing the truth—the truth that has lain hidden, the truth of the law and You.

It is necessary now to forgive, to forgive yourself. Forgive the trespasses of others and nations and set free the division of hearts. Allow the fullness of your heart to open. Then you shall know and feel Love.

Power of Love

Only scratching the surface to discover there is more to you and to everything else. You have no idea what it means to be loved and respected nor to be self-empowered. Once you permit yourself to go beyond the surface of the ego-shadows–it’s only then that you will love yourself. As you continue to support the opening of your heart, the Kingdom of God reveals itself as promised from the beginning of time. What is shown is the Power of Love in you.

The article was originally channeled after September 11, 2001. It’s been updated for readability and current content. My channeled messages from Sanatkumara often came in rhythmic poetry. I tried to keep the content with a similar flare.