The emotional healing process is the key to living in balance with life and here’s how to overcome fear.

If you look at fear as negative, you’ll have negative experiences around fear. When you neutralize the effects of fear, you’ll have empowering experiences around fear.  Fear is everywhere. At the doctor’s office, especially in the news, in movies, and while driving.

Fear is not more powerful than you. Nor is fear negative or difficult.

To tackle unhealthy fear you want to look fear right into the eye and take your power back.

Here are three emotional healing process steps you can implement into your life and change fear:-

  • Step 1: When you feel fear — relax your body, especially the solar plexus. Breathe into any tight areas and relax.
  • Step 2: Feel the fear. Don’t push fear away, instead, allow fear to be present. Don’t be afraid of fear.
  • Step 3: Talk with your fear. Yes, I want you to start a conversation with fear. Say something like this: What am I so afraid of?  Wait for the answers. Let any responses be ok.

Sometimes it’s challenging to get clarity about what we fear. It’s usually not the obvious. It’s something deeper. Or it’s fearing the unknown. Once you get your answers, you’ll know what makes you fearful. Now you have an opportunity to change.

The point is to make fear your friend rather than your foe. When you embrace fear as a friend, you diffuse its power over you.

Make three easy changes with fearful experiences

  1. Relax
  2. Feel
  3. Talk

Then say bye, bye to fear.

Try it the next time you experience fear and share your experiences with me.

Until next time stay fearless.

Fearing the Unknown

Fear is powerful. We’ve witnessed how powerful fear is over the past two years. Instead of buying into fear and frightening yourself think of the unknown as going on vacation. Aren’t you excited about going on vacation? Yes, vacations are fun and exciting. When you think of the future, which is not a very mindful thing to do, imagine you’re going on vacation instead of scaring yourself.

When you think of the future, imagine the future as exactly what or how you want something to turn out. Imagine it so much that you feel a chill down your spine–as though what you thought about manifested. Now, isn’t this more exciting than fearing the unknown?

Move Fear

Easily clear Fear from your energy body, home, office, around children and even your pets. Sovereign Light Sprays were created as a powerful emotional healing system to release stagnant emotions from the aura field. Read more here.