Buddha and Jesus said, “Know the Self.” By “knowing the Self ” Siddhartha Gautama became the Buddha. In his search for enlightenment, he traveled for seven years only to learn that what he searched for lived right inside of him. The richness of his being vibrated deep at his inner core. He reached His awakened state of consciousness by understanding his Self.

Why do we need so many reminders, endless encouragement and hours of meditation to “Know the Self”? What makes it so difficult? Why do we continue the same dance over and over again? What are we striving for? Do we even know?

Inner Self

So many people proclaim their spirituality and yet have no idea what makes them happy. Do you know the inner workings of your self? What makes you happy? Why do we co-create personal dramas and disasters to wake-up? Why is anger so potent when values are questioned? Or fear so scary? The inner Self is not angry, nor jealous, or afraid. It is not our crying inner child. The Self is beyond any label–it’s our innate birthright the innermost part of us-pure and free. Wounds run deep. It’s surprising how many “spiritual” people get defensive or angry when they are questioned.

The act of “being spiritual” means to love, honor, and accept the entire picture of self (body/mind), every nook and cranny. It means we take the necessary steps to nurture on every level and live full lives.

Do you think Jesus sat in the garden of Gethsemane memorizing the chakras and color of the rays? Or Buddha sat under a Banyan tree with a pendulum deciding his next move? I don’t think so. What they did is develop a lasting relationship with the inner self; ceasing mental chatter, calming the emotions and remembered a distinct quality of love.

Develop a Relationship with Self

This self-discovery journey called LIFE enlightens you. We are questing for real and deep communication and connection to our true Self. As you begin this journey, you discover so many beautiful things about yourself. You uncover fear, denial, resistance, anger, shame, doubts and also love, compassion, honesty, integrity, and so much more. All layered succinctly, good or bad, negative or positive makes us individuals and perfect reflections of God. We are all uniquely designed into a sculptured mass of ingredients. As skilled architects, building house after house, life-after-life we continue on the path of self-discovery, revelations about self along with judgments and fears eventually fall away until a non-judgmental statement remains.

People all over are seeking just what Gautama Buddha and Jesus achieved. Self-Empowerment! Enlightenment! Ascension! Self-Realized! True Self! Choose the word that is best suited. They all mean the same thing. Buddha’s role, like Jesus and others, was as a living example—possibly someone we would mentor after and become. For at least 2,500 plus years we are still trying to achieve what they eloquently said—“Know the Self!” Once the Buddha was asked Who are you? Are you a man? Are you a saint? His response. “I Am Awake!” Are you awake? (excerpt from Codes of Light book-now out of print).

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