Unworthiness is a learned behavior from the unconscious actions of your parents, society and caregivers. It’s a deeply rooted pattern of living and takes a conscious effort to shift out of. It’s a pattern passed down from your ancestors by how people lived and what was said.

My parent’s favorite line was, “money doesn’t grow on trees.” Plus, “you need to work for money.” Naturally, I believed I had to work hard to make a living. I’ve been working since my teenage years. I love what I do now, and even as a young adult, I’ve had fun careers.  As a child, I noticed that everything we had broke and wondered why. I soon learned unworthiness ran deep in our eastern European roots.

22 Signs of Unworthiness

Respect is number on the list of living a worthy life. Self-respect emotionally, mentally and spiritually takes self-awareness. Here are 22 signs and patterns of unworthiness

  1. Disrespect of others and their time
  2. Lack of honesty wastes time
  3. Flawed life choices sabotage careers, finances and personal relationships
  4. Fail to take proper care of yourself
  5. Criticism and gossiping about others
  6. You are a people pleaser
  7. Fearful of making the wrong decision
  8. Full of regrets
  9. Believe you are not deserving
  10. Feel inferior or nervous around certain people
  11. believe you need to do something to be loved
  12. Afraid to make the wrong decisions
  13. Deprive yourself of things you want
  14. Fear you don’t live up to other’s expectations
  15. Fearful of telling the truth
  16. Have a challenging time expressing yourself
  17. Feel guilty
  18. Think you are defective in some way
  19. Take other’s opinions personally
  20. Have no idea what your dreams and desires are
  21. Allow others to take advantage of you
  22. Are fearful of listening to inner guidance

Sign up for Activate Worthiness Course

Activate Worthiness Course consists of three audio recordings. Shift from unworthy to worthy by listening to the subconscious healing on the audio recordings. All you need to do is sit back and listen. It’s ok if you fall asleep. Keep a worthiness journal to notice your mindsets shift as the old patterns change and you embody self-worth in the following weeks.