Color:  Purple
Sanskrit Name: Ajna
Bija Mantra: OM
Location: Third Eye (space between the eyebrows)
Element: Light
Development: Adolescence

The sixth chakra frequency is 852 Hz. The tone is OM. The note is A#. Activate the sixth chakra by wearing purple or have purple color in the environment. Chant the Bija mantra OM to open the sixth chakra.

The sixth chakra is the wisdom chakra where you receive intuition and inspiration. It’s how you allow light into the darkness. Perceive the realms beyond the physical as you transcend time.

Out of Balance Sixth Chakra 

  • Being “out of it” or out of the body
  • Confusion of what is real and what appears to be real
  • Insomnia
  • Psychic disturbances

Balanced Sixth Chakra

  • Being comfortable in any reality
  • Inner wisdom
  • Intuition
  • Clear perception
  • Self-responsibility
  • Psychic abilities, particularly clairvoyance
  • Reliable intuition
  • Seeing energy within and beyond, matter and form

Body Areas Affected

  • Eye problems
  • Headaches
  • Nightmares
  • Sinusitis
  • Vision
  • Hypothalamus
  • Autonomic nervous system
  • Pineal gland

Violet and indigo are cooling to the circulatory system and increases activity in the hippocampus.

Sixth Chakra Practice

Take your awareness to the sixth chakra and apply the intention,”I See.”  Do you sense any blockages? Identify the block (s) and what needs to resolve for you to see. Imagine the color purple and weave it into the sixth chakra.

Emotional Sprays

Open the sixth chakra with  Sanatkumara