Denying love manifests in various ways, often rooted in underlying psychological, emotional, or social factors. Conditions such as depression or anxiety, or struggling with feelings of isolation affect self-perception and capacity for love.

Here are some common ways you deny yourself love:

Low Self-Esteem:

  • Believing you are worthy of love.
  • Negative self-talk that diminishes self-worth and confidence.

Fear of Vulnerability:

  • Avoid intimate relationships to protect yourself from potential hurt or rejection.
  • Build emotional walls to keep others at a distance.

Past Trauma:

  • Experiences of past abuse or betrayal that make trusting others difficult.
  • Carrying unresolved pain that hinders forming healthy connections.


  • Setting unrealistic standards for yourself.
  • Believe you must be perfect to be loved or to love someone else.

Negative Relationship Patterns:

  • Engage in self-sabotaging behaviors, such as pushing away those who care.
  • Repeat unhealthy relationship dynamics learned from family or experiences.
  • Feel uncomfortable with closeness and deep emotional connections.
  • Associate intimacy with loss of independence or control.

Prioritizing Others:

  • Constantly putting others’ needs above yours, and neglecting self-care and self-love.
  • Believe that loving oneself is selfish or undeserving.

Overcoming Self-Denial of Love

  • Practice kindness and understand yourself.
  • Develop healthier self-perceptions.
  • Learn coping strategies and emotional regulation techniques.
  • Communicating openly and honestly.

Mindfulness and Self-Care

  • Engage in activities that promote well-being and self-acceptance.
  • Setting aside time for self-reflection and relaxation.
  • Surround yourself with supportive, loving individuals who affirm their worth.
  • Challenge negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations.
  • Reframe negative beliefs about yourself

Denying love is often a protective mechanism stemming from more profound issues, but with conscious effort and emotional healing you can learn to embrace love and build fulfilling relationships.

Stop denying love is a subconscious regulating pattern that stops you from opening the heart and allowing love in. It’s a strong unconscious push away from love. You most often don’t know you are doing it.