Learned behaviors and the conditioning that comes with it create emotional memory. It’s what lingers in the subconscious mind and what gets resolved with ongoing meditation practice. The subconscious mind is the storehouse of every thought and experience.

Childhood traumas usually go unresolved until later in life, unless you had conscious parents who talked to you about behaviors and feelings. Traumas include slamming doors, yelling, cigarette smoke, alcoholic parents, and emotionally unavailable father or mother. More severe traumas are wars, narcissistic parents and physical abuse.

Experiences layer into the subconscious. It’s not a straight line from one unfortunate event to one event in childhood. It’s like thousands of checkerboards all lined up with data. It’s the Akashic records–the library of your mind.


Unresolved fear from childhood is a powerful motivator and destroyer. Especially now, your subconscious is programmed daily by the news and advertising. The subconscious is created by ego-personality. For the purposes of awakening, it’s the part of the mind you want to wake up from and not allow it to control you.

  • Anytime you’re in fear, you’re being controlled by the subconscious.
  • Anytime you stop yourself from doing something you love, the subconscious is controlling you.
  • Anytime you second guess yourself, the subconscious is controlling you.

Subconscious programs developed in childhood from learned behaviors and continue to operate until you become aware of them. For example, you notice you’re always drawing in the same type of man or woman with the same experiences. The person isn’t the issue; what’s programmed in you is the issue and a sign you need to change. Or perhaps you will enjoy the experience.

Subconscious programs come from limiting phrases parents often used. Like the phrase, “You can do that.”  Or, “Who said you will achieve that?” One of the famous phrases is “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” Parents didn’t explain why money doesn’t grow on trees. So you believed the parent. Growing up thinking you need to work hard to get money. It was only a lie someone told you. Perhaps it was challenging for the parent but it doesn’t mean it needs to be challenging for you.

Emotional Memory

What stays behind in the subconscious is the memory of events and experiences. I’m sure you remember some things clearly and while others are foggy.  Foggy memory is a good sign. It means you’re clearing and letting go of the emotional charges from experiences and are not holding on to past events.

However, if you remember events as though they happened yesterday, you’re creating patterns in mind where your thinking will fall over and over again like a vinyl record. The needle on the record player falls into the grooves and makes music. The same is true with your mind. You’re making music in the form of repetitive thoughts.

Once the mind develops patterns, it’s much more difficult to change the mind and take more effort. This is when mantras come in handy because it helps to change your thinking to something more positive.


The mind loves patterns and creates neuro-patterns to help you think. But what you believe comes from unresolved emotional memory. Everything in the universe is created by patterns. You can’t get away from the patterns, but you can create positive patterns that support your life and intentions.


Reciting a mantra doesn’t have to be in Yiddish or Sanskrit, but if you like the sound of it, by all means, recite them. Use English and easy-to-remember mantras like “I Am Happy” or “I Am Abundant.” For myself, I like long mantras. The first mantra I recited was, “I’m the Lord God of my being.” Another good one is “I Believe I Am Worthy of Love,” long enough for the mind to focus.


You can’t clear everything in the subconscious mind. Getting to the critical core issues helps you resolve the patterns of thinking that you repeat and stops you from attaining what you desire in life. Use mantras for positive thinking and to neutralize the subconscious programming. You’ll stay more present and mindful in life when you do.

I developed a method to access the subconscious programming using my intuition. I can locate and release the tightly wound beliefs many people hold onto.  Activate Worthiness online course comes with three subconscious healing audio files to listen to. All the work is done. Sit back and listen. It’s okay if you fall asleep but being in a semi-conscious state is better. Let the changes filter through the mind and in a day or so you’ll experience life differently.