Are you overly fearful for no apparent reason? Do you get easily reactive when someone challenges you? Are you afraid to be seen in the world? These are a few examples of what emotional trauma does to adults, and we need to do trauma exercises for releasing trauma from the body.

Trauma Release Exercises

Less severe traumas are shouting, doors slamming, being spanked, and cigarette smoke. More severe traumas include sexual abuse, war, and the loss of parents.  The trauma creates a marker in the mind, and in that situation, the trauma release exercises will help you always for trauma release. The ego-mind hooks into the marker and repeats the trauma story over and over again. Traumas cause us to stay hooked on old memories.

Healing Emotional Trauma

For healing emotional trauma, you want to go back to the original situation and start to unwind from the hurt. You’ll need to resolve the conflict  You would need to be honest with yourself and not justify anything. To heal you need to feel. Can’t rationalize anything. You can get beyond the trauma by resolving the original pain. Remember only the ego perceives hurt. The true self can’t be hurt.

When the mind hooks into anything it’s an attachment. For enlightenment or self-realization training you would need to let go of the attachments. This is also freedom when you let go of attachments.