Un-Condition Love Course

Love is the fabric of consciousness. Love is love and transcends all uncertainty and conditions we place upon it. The essence of the true self is love, but it’s not a thought process; instead, it’s a knowing and the ability to embody love and allow love to live through all aspects of life. True feelings such as joy and happiness come from unconditional love.un-condition-love-course

Without love, it’s impossible to live a healthy and abundant life. Spiritually, love is the key to higher consciousness.

Early in life, people get hurt by others and blame circumstances for emotional pain and begin to close down the ability to give and receive love. Your heart becomes shrouded by judged life experiences creating many layers that cover the emotional heart.

To embody self-love and be open to giving and receiving love, you need to peel the layers off the heart to experience self-empowerment to live a life you love.

Four Stages of Love

  • Giving love
  • Receiving love
  • Self-love
  • Unconditional love

Stage One of Love

For the most part, everyone likes to give love to others. This gesture rewards the ego with gratification. I did something. I contributed. I volunteered. The first stage of Love is giving to others. You experience this gesture by offering kindness, doing things for others, supporting others and offering help, donations, and contributions.

Often, people put expectations on giving. Here’s an example, “I’ll provide to you (love, support or kind deeds) if you do this or that for me.” Or after giving something, there’s an expectation for the return. I see this often when people say, “I did this for you, and now I expect you to give me something in return.” Giving with conditions is common and ego-driven. It’s a more rewarding gesture to give with no strings or conditions attached.

Stage Two of Love

The second stage of love is the ability to receive it. This stage is often more difficult because it requires the walls covering the heart to be torn down to open the heart and receive. Receiving love without placing conditions on love takes courage.

Most people push love away, either through the rejection pattern or fear and anger. People might say, “She/he is not for me.” Or “I’m too powerful for him.” These statements indicate the person is pushing love away with the patterns of hurt and rejection.

In the second stage, you are beginning to experience life from a different perspective, where things are not coming at you, as in, “Other people are out to hurt me.” To, “I create my reality with an open heart.”

The second stage of love leads to self-love. To embody Self-Love, you want to master the first two stages without holding any expectations on outcomes around love.

Stage Three of Love

The third stage is Self-Love. Self-love is not selfish to love. The ego does not rule self-love. Self-love and the ego can not co-exist. Freely giving and receiving love is embodied in the principle of Self-Love and comes from a deeper understanding of love, where no conditions are placed upon love.

Self-love is self-care: It’s accepting you, it’s nurturing you, and it’s honoring you.


Nourishing is also nurturing and means developing a real relationship with the inner you. It means an afternoon at the movies, a walk in the park, sitting in on a lecture, reading a book, taking a bath or anything that brings a charming inner smile to you. It’s essential to feel good about yourself and take time to nurture yourself. Also, it’s feeding yourself with healthy organic foods and purified water. It’s taking care of you at the primary level.  


Honor is self-respect. It increases self-esteem and gives credit that is due. Honor is integrity, the integrity you have towards yourself. Every morning after the shower, look in the mirror and bow to yourself as you get ready for the day. Leading with the heart pays homage to the uniqueness that you have.


Acceptance changes everything. Once you accept yourself, everything else falls into place. Accept without any judgments or “ya-buts” used. Some people get failure confused with acceptance. In acceptance, there is no failure. Acceptance is a profound surrender that is felt deeply in your heart.

Stage Four of Love

Unconditional love is not attached to any conditions. It’s giving without the expectation of receiving. It’s presence. In realizing love, the soul can finally become the reflection of the Divine, the living manifestation of the universal “I Am.”

In stage four, you will have mastered giving, receiving, and self-love to express unconditional love fully. Here there’s no thought about love if it flows effortlessly.

Subconscious Pattern Release

The Un-Condition Love Course created by KumariDevi starts the process of unwinding the subconscious mind and unlayering the heart of fear, hurt and mistrust around giving, receiving and being loved. The course consists of three audio download. Liberate your heart and soul — Experience self-empowerment.

What’s Inside

  1. Release Rejection
  2. Release Fear
  3. Activate Trust


Bonus Practice

Honor You

Honor you by creating an altar to yourself. Altars are designed for many saints but not for you. Find a secluded niche in your home and place a picture of you, fresh flowers, heart crystals, gems, and sacred pieces of art you have found in your travels through life, along with a candle. Visit the altar every day. Place personal affirmations to yourself on the altar too. A perfect statement is, “I am love,” “I am peace,” or “I am balanced.”  Personal altars are a powerful gesture towards loving yourself. Read the article on Altars Here.