It’s November and soon the end of the year. Autumn and into winter is a time to turn inward, and prepare for shorter sun and prepare the body for colder weather.winter-foods

It’s a time to take stock of your life and what did you accomplish over the year?  What did you learn about yourself? Now is the time to reflect and go inwards to determine new goals and intentions for the coming year.

Winter Diet

Winter tips for healthy eating and boosting your metabolism. The flavor associated with winter is salty, and if you crave salt, it means there’s a water imbalance in your body. Kidneys govern the storage of life force in the bones and marrow.

Winter is the water element. Water is an essential element for the body. Winter is kidney and bladder time. Winter is deep energy, going within. Winter is the strongest yin energy, and it’s time for rebuilding and nourishing the kidney and bladder with warm water and squeezed lemon juice.

Don’t increase your food intake too much. Decrease starchy foods like potatoes. Instead eat sweat potatoes and increase warming proteins. Vegetable soups are nutritious with garlic and ginger–both will spice up your life.

Cooked whole grains are excellent for the winter diet. Millet, buckwheat are good body warmers, brown rice, oats, and barley are also good. Black beans, lentils, and sunflower seeds are good too.

Nuts are good in the winter as a snack or a lunch salad. Remember, nothing cold after 4:00 pm. For meat-eaters, I would recommend fish like deep-sea fish like halibut or swordfish. Organic chicken and grass-fed beef are suitable for the body once in a while.

Winter Herbs

Winter herbs are marshmallow root (not the candy), work on small intestines inflammation and mucus membranes, especially the bladder, lungs and lower bowls. Also, Chamomile is excellent for stomach and intestines, as well as calming your nerves.

Good spices are cayenne pepper and ginger root. Simmer ginger root in water for 15-20 minutes and drink it warm.

Winter is good for yoga in a warm room, Tai Chi and QiQong to keep the energy meridians circulating in the body. Keep the neck wrapped on very cold days.

Winter Specials

Lavender Spirit Candles

lavender spirit candles

Organic Herbal Tea
