Learning to be flexible with life is part of mindfulness and self-empowerment. The more mentally flexible you are, the easier it is to let go of emotions that no longer define you.

To develop a flexible mind change the following–

  • Instead of stressing out about meeting other people’s ideas and goals, learn to live your life
  • Accept where you are right now and then move forward
  • Realize what you think and feel will determine your life and direction of life
  • Instead of getting angry at things not turning out how you want them, accept the unpredictability of what happens

Having flexibility gives you more peace of mind and happiness. To be in the flow of life, you need to heal your inner self, including what you think and how you feel.

Develop a Flexible Mind

Mental flexibility is a way to open to anything that comes your way. Think about it: A significant disruption doesn’t need to be viewed as a negative occurrence. Sometimes seeing something as “negative” happens because you feel comfortable in the ways life has been.

When you let go of old ways of thinking and old beliefs, things change for the better. Develop the ability to cope with change, and you’ll become more flexible.

Here are Seven Steps to Flexibility

The part of the mind that requires change is the ego, and it doesn’t like to change quickly, you’ll need to practice these seven steps to ensure you remain flexible with life situations.

  1. Slow down, and pay attention to life around you. There is a deeper meaning to life.
  2. Start to build a relationship with the inner YOU.
  3. Make a commitment for one month, and each week, let go of one excuse.
  4. Make a list of the things that trigger you — being interrupted, someone cutting you off in traffic, someone being loud when you’re trying to work, or people not washing their dishes, etc.
  5. Triggers or emotional reactivity happens because, within you, there are issues that have not yet been resolved. When the trigger occurs, pause. Notice the emotions rising. Ask yourself, “Where have I felt this before?” Look at what you are holding onto. Feel it, but don’t react. Breathe, and let it go.
  6. Going with the flow and being flexible is a life-changer. Practice with everyday events.
  7. Most importantly, make these changes for yourself and not for anyone else.

Remember you will not be perfect at this when you start. It’s a difficult skill to learn because of built up emotional layers over the years that contradict positivity. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.

Here’s to being flexible and allowing life to happen without being angry, sad or disappointed by it.