Did you know that fear and resistance are illusions created by the mind to keep you separated from Love? The ego is very crafty when it comes to distracting you from Self-Awareness. It does a fine job pulling your attention outward and focusing on random things vs. taking your attention inward to focus on self-love. The ego does an excellent job convincing you that it knows everything, you shouldn’t take action on growth opportunities, and causing mental chaos. Have you experienced this? Have you shifted the awareness and taken action anyway?

Your mind is powerful once you train and focus on staying present. It doesn’t happen by itself. You need to teach it. Training the mind to remain present is the most challenging thing, besides childbirth, you’ll ever do. When people use the term Mindfulness, it means the mind is in this moment and not in the past or future. It’s not wandering around the cosmos looking for trouble. Nor is it overthinking, creating more stress and anxiety.

What have you done about keeping your mind present? Have you brought your attention to your inner self? What do you do to cease the mental looping in mind?

Are you a daily meditator? What do you focus on in meditation practice? Do you allow your mind to wander to that pink cloud in the cosmos?

I realize I’m asking you a lot of questions. Questions bring awareness to what you are doing or not. A steady mind creates a beautiful life. You don’t need to be 100% silent, but you want to keep the mind focused on what you want to create.

The ego part of the mind, the subconscious, is its home, and it loops all day long like a broken record. It’s all the unresolved issues, problems, and questions you have. Wouldn’t it be nice not to have all that stuff in your mind gone and resolved?

I’ll ask you again what are you doing to keep the mind more present? Send me an email, if you want, or comment below about what you do to keep the mind still.