The beauty of an open heart is the essence of forgiveness. Without an open heart, love remains stagnant. Without love, life becomes unfulfilled and this becomes the basis of unhappiness. It’s in this posture that people seek outside of themselves to fill the massive void of loneliness.

Reach beyond personal limits of fear, step past resistance and embody openness. An open heart is unafraid of judgments. An open heart is an acceptance. Acceptance is being present. Without acceptance, we separate.

The art of remaining open is powerful in itself. Openness is a gift. It’s being unafraid of being vulnerable. Lead with an open heart and venture into life. Open hearts are opportunities that lead us deeper into wholeness. It’s here, that the door opens to silence.


During the Heart week, we explore forgiveness. The paradigm of forgiving is letting go and surrendering into compassion. It often sounds so easy to step into the posture of forgiveness, but it’s more challenging than we like to admit.

To forgive you need to let go of any judgments about past comments or actions that either you said or someone has said to you. Judgments are criticisms. The mind likes to hook into “bad” thoughts about other people or circumstances and create a commentary about it. This is what gets looped in the mind—over and over again. It’s unresolved feelings. This is why forgiveness is so potent it helps us let go and resolve the mental and emotional conflicts.

Right now think of something you said to someone or they said to you that was judgmental and may have been hurtful. Bring whatever it is into your heart and hold it, like a pebble you found in the creek. Now open your heart, embrace the pebble and welcome it into your heart.  Ask yourself, “What do I need at this moment to enter into true forgiveness?” Imagine as you embrace the pebble in your heart it softens and begins to crumble in your hand, eventually totally disappearing.

Enter Silence four-part weekly intensive will explore forgiveness deeper and you’ll have the opportunity to venture into the compassionate heart to easily create forgiveness in any situation. Register and learn more.