At another crossroads now and need to decide to stay in this small apartment, or double rent and move into a house, or move out of state. I have good logic about why I shouldn’t double payments (Virgo rising). Staying in a small apartment means I get an office. Increasing rent means I get a house and can move on with creating a healing center (working from home-Cancer sun). Moving on means I do this someplace else.

A friend gave me this book, Illusion of Money. Read it! Here’s the link- I know of the material in the book, but I don’t always practice it. Here’s my opportunity to put the book into action. The illusion is that money solves problems. The illusion is that doing the right thing brings rewards. The illusion is that money has value. Attention has value. Where’s the focus? Attention is currency. Where we put our attention, it increases currency. I know I’m an excellent healer, I know I have spiritual gifts–these are real.

Money can become an enabler. Money seduces. Money is not bad or wrong; it makes us stand up and reclaim personal power that was given away in the hopes of “doing the right thing.” We think doing the “right thing” is doing good, but it’s postponing the good to come to us, it’s a block from the unworthiness patterning.

I’m trying to convince myself that to take this risk and double rent, more doors will open and new opportunities that are unforeseen right now will manifest. One door closes 25 new doors open.

I can repeat my blah, blah story-I did the right thing; I listened to the attorneys. I paid for medical bills. Where did I get? Nowhere.  

But, in truth, working for money never gets us to the destination we are happy with. It’s a lie we tell ourselves not to step into our power and do our real work.

Message from Collective Consciousness

I receive messages from collective consciousness regularly. This one came the other day; at first, I wouldn’t say I liked it, but its wisdom. At this significant life crossroads, do I take a risk or stay in a familiar pattern?

The wisdom is from the Collective Conscious. If you get a reaction, it’s for you. No response, it’s not for you. 

If you are suffering, it’s because you don’t want to live in your truth. Because living in your truth is fundamentally different than what or how you were raised, and it’s too scary to be different.

A person suffers because they believe “suffering is normal.” Someone yells at another person because they think that’s normal. After all, the parents did it. Why change? It’s too scary to change, and you are stuck in a paradigm of fear and panic that never goes away only transferred from one life situation to the next and one relationship to the next.

There’s no such thing as “doing the right thing” its cop-out belief pattern that makes lazy people lazier. You can’t hurt another person. You can only hurt yourself. “Doing the right thing” stops growth, because the “right” thing never materializes and keeps people stuck. It’s an illusionary belief adapted from Christianity –

You are stuck because you don’t want to rock the family apple cart and hurt someone, when you so deeply hurt self, repeatedly. Why? To prove some fake point to abide by the ego—a false reality— this is why nothing changes because there’s no vision for it to change. It’s only transferred from one segment of life to another, from one relationship to the next.

No leaps in consciousness are made because the fear of being different
outweighs the joy of having exactly what you want.

I know we want to believe we are more powerful than others, but we’re not, no one has domain over another. It might seem that way, but that’s only inflating the ego (pride, arrogance, greed, lust, and the need to be right).

Step out of old beliefs and into truth. What is the truth?