Look into the mirror, and what do you see? A face, hairstyle, a body—what else do you see? Will you love and accept the person you see? Pay attention to what you say when you look into the mirror. Anything said is either a complement or block.

Old and New Patterns

When I work with clients, what comes up about old patterns are layers of clothes. The clothes represent patterns: New shoes are a new way of walking in the world, jackets and coats represent layers of the past. What clothing changes do you need to make for yourself? For example, if you always wear sneakers, buy yourself a pair of high heels. Next time, wear the high heels instead and notice the difference in your attitude. 

Next, mindfully unbutton a heavy coat and imagine releasing the coat off your arms and onto the ground, look at the coat on the ground and walk over it. Notice if the coat pulls you in some way. Do you need to go back to the coat? 

What you are doing with the coat is releasing old and limiting patterns; the coat represents the past. Notice if there’s something you need to resolve with the past. If so, go back to the coat and dialogue with it. Perhaps it’s an old memory from school or with your mom or dad.  See if you can consciously resolve the unconscious beliefs that occurred with that particular coat memory.

I often see thick and heavy layers of old patterning on people–like scuba wet suits, or cotton batting wrapped around people. You might sense these layers too. To release, you want to cut through old ways of behaving. To consciously change patterns, after you see yourself cut out of the old create something totally new for yourself.