I’ve been on the spiritual path so long I operate 100% from my spiritual self. It’s only natural I offer you ways to make your life easier to live. Now that the world is catching up with the idea that the inner self is the powerhouse of manifestation. Mental reprogramming and emotional healing are essential to accessing the higher levels of consciousness. You need to take deep dives into your mental patterning to live happier lives.

Are you on the awakening path? Then you know it’s essential to work on mental attachments. These are the hooks of self-sabotage, emotional triggering, doubt and fear, anger and hurt, and addictions. The entire purpose of meditation is to get your mind quieter by resolving the looping commentary.

Reciting mantras, doing yoga, and practicing meditation help but what works the fastest and the best is actively working through personal issues.

What do you want to learn? How can we help you grow?  Send an email to info@kumarainstitute.com and let us know how we can help you grow.

Making your life easier to live

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