The ego is who gets you out of bed in the morning and walks you to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Your conscious ego-mind drives you to work on time. However, it’s the ego’s restrictions that prevent you from Awakening. In essence, you are waking up beyond the ego’s controlling nature and shifting perspectives. Your ego mind is programmed from an early age, and the programs are stored in the subconscious and guide your adult life until consciously changed.

You realize positivity attracts positive results; you’ve done inner work, like meditation or yoga, but you’re still being triggered in traffic and at home. Let me take you deeper and locate the exact egoic experiences where hurt began.

Life Story

Your life is a story, an intricate tapestry, created from earlier life experiences, childhood memories, judgments, and parents and society’s beliefs.

To live in alignment with your true Self you want to clear lifelong blocks and the pain of the past, old patterns that keep you attracting the same people and situations into your life. Swiftly locating and clearing hidden obstacles that have been in your way, you receive quick results from long-standing issues. You gain more and more of your authentic self when we work together.

Waking Up

Awakening and Enlightenment require that significant attachments resolve. You can’t hold agendas or anger against anyone and awaken or connect to your truth–it just doesn’t work that way.

Healing Sessions

Offering a safe and effective healing technique to address the subconscious by combining energy work, shadow inquiry, and shamanic practices. Dismantling the ego-mind is like taking bricks out of the support wall in your home; if not done correctly, the entire house falls, and the same is true with you.

Go from where you are right now to Super Consciousness and live your true self. By helping you re-invent, grow, and evolve your life and business for success on all levels.

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Move Beyond the Ego
