An auspicious time, winter Solstice, and grand conjunction in the sky. Saturn is the wise teacher, and Jupiter brings expansion. New beginnings, renewal of soul contracts, and alignment. Relationships, careers, and friendships are realigning. What was tolerable becomes intolerable. It’s time to balance. It’s a time to balance the feminine and masculine in each of us.

Think bigger than what you see. Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac. What we value is changing with this astrological configuration. What you have valued is no longer of value.

Expect to see more community-driven development. More co-housing situations. People coming together in their communities. Aquarius is the lover of people. The optimist. Aquarius is the hippy of the 1960s, freedom to express, to truly be you without holding back and without worrying about what other people will say or think.

Aquarius is spirituality. Bringing spirituality into the public, more people engaging in spirituality or healing. Aquarian is healer energy. The only thing about Aquarius is they are an air sign and think love rather than embody love. Aquarius aligns us to our personal value vs. what’s been learned from family or society.

A new wave of living and loving — it’s utopian energy. Otherworldly. Spiritual connections. Soulmates are being magnetized. People are being pulled together–working for the greater good vs. individually. New ways to love with more openness. Relating consciously rather than from fear and anger.

If I tap on your energy, meaning I communicate with you in some way, it’s because I’m awakening you. I want you to see life differently and awaken beyond the inertia of the same old ways of doing things. I’m guided. It’s not coming from the ego. I can’t keep you stuck. I can’t keep you in lack or unworthiness. I can’t keep you fearing life. Mostly I want you to change your perspective and wake up. I want you to see the beauty I see in you. I am here to free you.

It’s the start of a new life. A chance to start over. It’s a time for bravery and going for new opportunities. A life-changing decision happens now; however, it’s not as it seems. It’s not doom and gloom. It’s inclusive–meaning even though a way of life ends, and the door doesn’t need to shut 100% on the past.

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