Struggling stops here. Are you worn out? Do you feel as if every day is another version of the same ride on the hamster wheel? If this resonates with you, know you are not alone. Life sets an unrealistic bar in terms of what we’re expected to accomplish and achieve.

Why does struggle seem to be inextricably woven into our daily existence?

Struggle may seem to greet you at every turn—a high-stress job that won’t let you catch your breath, the unrealistic expectations of what material things you should possess to be seen by the world as successful, the pressure to have your kids in every club or on every sports team while still getting homework done, the inability to connect in a meaningful way with your partner.

It can become overwhelming—as if you’re standing on the shore and the tide suddenly crashes in over you, leaving you gasping for air and desperate for solid footing.

Unfortunately, struggling can also become habitual…but why?

The answer lies in our own ego.

Your ego is designed to protect you in times of trouble. It is the survival instinct that is focused on self—Am I safe? Am I balanced? When the ego becomes intrinsic, and you become the priority. This can cause a schism between you and the rest of the world, and you lose your ability to be mindful, loving, and nurturing in relationships outside of yourself.

The ego is skilled in the art of distraction and can keep you from living an authentic and fulfilled life. Perhaps you continue to reject love because of the pain of past relationships. You may feel a desperate need to be validated by others or a perpetual undercurrent of anger and resentment. There may be deeply painful wounds instilled by unloving parents. Any hurt…or pain…or trauma…that you’ve experienced but haven’t addressed will serve as the taproot used by the ego to anchor itself at the forefront of your mind.

So, how do you find relief? How do you stop the perpetual cycle of struggle and release the hold of the ego?

You must begin the process of emotional healing.

To end the struggle, you must release the controlling ego—and this can only happen through acknowledging the wounding and trauma you have held onto for years…possibly since childhood. You must address the subconscious patterning—those habitual, unintended moments when you allow the ego to remain in control—and rectify the mind’s looping commentary.

If you are tired of living in a constant state of struggle, I encourage you to visit my website to learn more about my Trauma Release classes. I am available for both group and individual sessions. Here, you will learn how to move beyond ego by letting go of old wounds, releasing trauma, and accelerating your own awakening. Together we’ll increase your mindfulness and help you feel more present and in control of your own life.

It’s time to wake yourself from the ego’s focus of blame, guilt, shame, and fear and master your inner self.

It can be done. I look forward to making this journey with you.

Join Emotional Healing Series Here

Listen to KumariDevi (Paula) talk about why it’s important to work on your issues.
