Calling kind hearts to join the monthly Sangha (spiritual gathering) for Satsang (spiritual events of the highest order). Become a member of the Kind Heart Sangha for monthly healing and guided practices, direct transmissions and enlightenment talks to help you reach higher levels of consciousness.

Join the Group of Kind Hearts

Love lights up the brain. An open heart chakra, it’s also unhurt, and you are fearless to take on life. Being truly you are the most freeing feeling in the world. An open heart helps your physical heart and increases the immune system to protect you from inbound viruses or psychic attacks. The heart chakra governs the thymus gland, and it’s the thymus gland that helps the immune system produce T-cells.

  • Imagine being led by your heart vs. your mind.
  • Openness invites magic and healthy surprises into your life.
  • Fall in love with yourself.
  • Live emotionally free.
  • Release fear to be genuinely you.

Monthly Meditations + Enlightenment Talks

Kind Heart Sangha