What have you noticed about yourself in the past few weeks? Did you panic? Did you freak-out? 

During the past 30 years, spirituality has transformed rapidly and taken on a variety of meanings. There are so many ways to evolve that it’s challenging to choose one path. If you are waking up and you find the choices overwhelming, you are not alone.

Do you pray now and then? Do you meditate? Eat organic? Do you take a yoga class? If so, then you have started along a spiritual path. By whatever method you choose, you must allow spirituality into your daily lives where it belongs. When we do this, we become kinder, gentler, and more compassionate and loving people.  

No matter your starting point, it’s time to reach deeper, find the truth, dismantle limitations, embrace fears, and enhance worthiness. It’s time to build healthy relationships and live Soulfully!


Enlightenment and Self-Awareness are taking on a new approach. It’s coming out secret caves in the Himalayas and entering our lives in a brand new way.  To wake up from the deep sleep of unconsciousness to full consciousness is to embark on the path of spirituality. On this path, you live from a place integrity, with truth and love. 

Awakening means looking at life from a different viewpoint. Instead of the world coming at you, the world is created from you.  It’s a new way of looking at your life more consciously. Spirituality guides you to your inner self, the part of you that is the designer of your life, to a place where plans develop, and happiness explodes. Your sixth sense, gut feeling, is your inner knowing; it is the acknowledgment of your inner self, as it guides you into greater and greater experiences without judgment.

Self-awareness and enlightenment liberate you from the limitations of the ego and allow a freer experience of the mind. When you become self-aware, the outer world does not control you. You wake up and respond to the power within instead of elected officials, and other authority figures. Outer peace can only happen when we have inner peace.

Inner Self

There is nothing more powerful than relying on you without fear or doubt. The relationship you have with the inner You is an expansion. The inner you is grander than needs or things; it loves, is compassionate, empathic, and caring, and builds an internal relationship with love. This type of relationship leaves arrogance and selfishness behind because it’s based on love. Will you accept yourself in love now?

You are the captain of your-self, released from the limitation of the ego, and free to create a beautiful life, however, you wish because it’s the truth. As with all new things, change takes practice. Generally, you have been a little misguided on the path to higher consciousness. But it is not tricky—nor is it too late to change course. Spirituality is the practice of knowing the inner you, and there is no woo-woo in learning about yourself, is there?

  • Waking-Up helps you discover that you are the master of your own life. It is your responsibility to grow, explore, and enjoy your life.
  • Waking-Up teaches that awakening happens from the inside out, and when you awaken, you live a more conscious life, released from the limitation of the ego and old beliefs.
  • Waking-Up is a reflection—what you see in others is a reflection of you.
  • Waking-Up awakens the inner-you. Are you ready to shift your focus from the outer world to the inner world and build a healthier and more rewarding connection?

New Times

In these changing times, it’s essential to depend on your inner wisdom. The inner-you (self) is where healing occurs, where happiness resides, where manifestation takes place. What puts a smile on your face? Did you know that you have the power to decide how you feel?  This new level of spirituality takes the focus off of the outer world and brings it inside to you. 

No more fence-sitting. More than ever, it’s time to wake-up! Are you ready?