Longer mantras are better for keeping your mind occupied on something positive and productive. I would recite long prayers when I first started on my spiritual journey. Make the Mantra part of your morning ritual along with stretching, yoga or Qigong exercises.

The Buddhists believe you want to recite a mantra one million times. Of course, you’ll lose track, it’s why people use prayer beads, to keep track of how many times they recited their mantra. Recite the week’s mantra many times. To change your mind you need to do it consciously.

Your Weekly Dose of Enlightenment Mantra

Self-understanding is self-awareness where you know the inner you.

  • What makes you happy?
  • What was your longest meditation?
  • Were you able to sit still in meditation?
  • What emotionally triggered you over the past week?
  • How happy did you stay yesterday?
  • What did you notice differently about yourself from a week ago?
