Have you ever been in a situation where a simple comment or gesture threw you into a fit of rage or anger? Have you ever wondered why this happened? Well, let me explain why this happens and how you can move beyond being hurt and offended over simple comments other people make.

The key to mindfulness is the ability to stay present in the moment. When you are reactive and hurt, you are no longer in the moment. Your mind has taken you back to the past to resolve something.  In childhood, there was plenty of anger and especially frustration and most often no place to put it or solve it. Parents often told children to sit down and be quiet. Unless your parents were conscious, emotional interactions were not explained. What happened is you internalized anger or more commonly called “stuffed” your feelings.

Now as an adult, those childhood experiences are long forgotten and buried in the subconscious mind. A friend or co-worker says something, and suddenly an emotional volcanic eruption takes place. You wonder, “Where did that come from?”

In this short talk, I offer you ways to resolve past anger, so you stay mindful and happy today. Listen and leave a positive comment either below or on the video.