Awakening is a process of expanding awareness beyond thinking and attachments. The mind (ego) loves attaching to things to create r meaning. Spiritual awareness will eventually take over, and thinking becomes the servant of awareness. Awareness is the presence of consciousness without thought.

When you can shift spiritual awareness from limiting habitual thoughts to something else, greater emotional and spiritual freedom is created. A new reality can’t be born based on old paradigms. You want to make new neuro-pathways in your mind for liberation to develop.

Here’s a perfect example – if you are a craftsperson, artist, or coach and selling products for $1,000.00 and want to uplevel them to $5,000.00. The ego (narrative in mind) will stop the increase based on what’s programmed in the unconscious mind and what you have learned from past experiences.

The example above also works with relationships, careers, and spirituality. I’m certain you’ve experienced this in one form or the other. You want to make a change but lack the knowledge on how to change.

How to Change

Imagine the mind as a vinyl record and pick up the record player’s needle and move it to another part of your mind—a part that is calmer and more at peace or to a place of something you want to manifest. Every time you want to understand something, you’re calling in the ego for its opinion, and this action perpetuates limitation. It’s as if you want the ego’s opinion for some reason perhaps there’s a lack of personal trust.

Taking the focus off autopilot reactions takes practice to become self-aware of thoughts and experiences. You’ll need to be aware of the moment you begin feeling fear or anger, which takes slowing down and feeling the moments of life.

However, you don’t want the mind to re-hook into experiences and make judgments about them either. Instead, you want to pass through experiences without hooking back into hurtful experiences and not making a negative comment about the experience. In doing so, you create space in your conscious mind for enlightening awareness to surface.

Work on disconnecting yourself from fear or anger without attaching the mind to hurtful memories. The “ego” mind always tries to create an identity from past experiences, and it’s trying to find the original experience to latch onto. Don’t attach the mind to anything unless you want to live in the past. Instead, you want to keep the mind completely neutral.

You’ll view life differently when your thinking ceases to be overly active. You’ll realize life isn’t coming at you—you are creating life from what’s programmed in you, projecting it into your world, and creating reality. Neutralizing the effects of emotional memory is the key to awakening.