Believe You Are Worthy

In spite of all the healing work and meditation you’ve done, do you struggle with not feeling good enough? Aren’t you tired of it? Enough already, right, it’s time for a change. It’s time to settle into you, into yourself, and realize how competent and powerful you are.

Feeling not enough is a cultural pattern, or archetypal pattern, meaning it’s embedded into society and passed down from generation to generation. Most often we aren’t conscious of personal unworthiness beliefs. Are you a bargain shopper?  Do you love good deals? Me, too, I love great deals. Did you know prohibiting yourself from having something; i.e., a workshop or private session for personal growth undermines your self-worth? Also, denying yourself a new outfit, or book is also undermining your self-esteem.

When I was young, my mother never let us buy much, and I had to save my allowance to buy Barbie dolls and other toys. My mother taught me to always look at the price first. It was a bad habit to change.  Now, I never ask the amount of anything. If I want something, I gift it to myself; it’s so freeing.

How to Tell if Worthiness is Out of Balance

  1. Ask, do I regularly place the needs of others before my own?
  2. Is it difficult to handle success?
  3. Is it challenging to receive compliments?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, your self-worth is out of balance. Are you free-alcoholic? What is the first question you ask when you want something? More often than not you ask, “How much is it?”

When you walk into a store and turn something over to see the price first, the subconscious mind is driving that desire, and depending on the reaction; you are either denying yourself something or gifting yourself. Asking how much something is before you know anything about it, is a gesture of unworthiness and stops personal growth. In these paradigms, you’ll never have enough, and this will become a lifelong behavior and habit. If you have children, you’ll subconsciously teach them how to become unworthy.

It’s ok to look at the price as long as it doesn’t stop you from having what you want. Of course, some people use “I don’t have enough” as an excuse, but this too is denying yourself growth.


Self-sabotage has a million different ways to undermine life situations. Lack of respect is an aspect of self-sabotage.  Part of this patterning includes being on time for appointments, your job, and other meetings. Both patterns are extremely subconscious. Well, think about it, do you sit around planning how you can sabotage yourself? Probably not, but it’s done daily until this pattern is resolved.

In our work here, you are developing a relationship with the inner you (self) and becoming self-aware, so respect is the foundation of this relationship, if respect doesn’t exist for you, then it can’t be extended to anyone else. When you respect yourself, you won’t keep other people waiting, because you’ll value your time and thus other people’s time.

Then there’s self-doubt, and this comes from low self-esteem; all these behaviors and habits are wound-around love, the love for the self—the love for you.  It’s all interrelated.


Believing in yourself is the foundation, and then the value you place on yourself is second. Without the belief, value has no merit, and the third aspect is love. Believe you are Worthy of Love.

Tackling self-worth is paramount to becoming self-awareness. Without self-esteem, life is more challenging and achieving self-awareness becomes almost impossible. Think about it; if you always stop yourself from having anything in life, it’s more challenging to achieve personal happiness.


Over the past few years, I’ve done many repatternings on worthiness, feeling enough and financial freedom for my clients. I want to offer them to you. It’s a start, and by no means not the end of any personal self-worth issues or feelings of not being enough. These patterns run deep, and even though my work is very powerful, working with the shadow and subconscious, takes a conscious effort to move beyond life-long self-esteem issues.

Included in this process are four and a half hours of healing reprogrammings on the different aspects of Self-worth (abundance, feeling enough and financial freedom).


  • You’ll enjoy life
  • Feel free to express yourself
  • Happier and more spontaneous
  • Less stressed and more flexible
  • You won’t have the “need” to turn anything over or ask “how much is it?”
  • Draw to you people who have similar values
  • Increase personal worthiness and wealth

Healthy self-worth attracts other people with the same energy, and you will draw lovers, friends, and colleagues who share the same value as you do. You’ll develop healthy and life-supporting relationships and feel empowered.


Consciously, you don’t need to identify with every pattern cleared. I begin each healing session by locating and unwinding limitation from the subconscious. I see the mind as a garden, I pull the weeds and then replant new seeds for manifestation.

Sit or lay in a quiet place, clear your mind and focus on your breathing. It’s okay if you fall asleep, but it’s better if you remain in a semi-conscious state. No workbooks or worksheets to fill out, however, I might ask you to concentrate on something in the recordings. Or tap your heart or head. Try and follow along.

Below are a few examples of what’s covered. Listen to the audio recordings as often as possible for three weeks, and one mp3 at a time and not while driving. My work isn’t traditional hypnosis.

  • I am accomplished
  • I believe in myself
  • I release the need to do more to be loved
  • I am worthy
  • I am good enough
  • I value myself
  • I am confident
  • I am enough
  • I respect myself

What People Are Saying!

“Her work is a gift to those of us who are seekers of the truth.” Teresa M., Atlanta, GA

“She demonstrates with ease “how to” release limiting patterns.”  Lucy V., Florida

“Working with Paula (KumariDevi) is absolutely life changing. She’s positive and her energy is phenomenal. No one does what she does and the results are miraculous.” Heidi S., Writer

Register Here

Are you ready to be enough? Are you ready to develop a relationship with the inner you? Sign up to deepen your relationship with self-worth and believe in You!

Change is often challenging. To make a difference in the subconscious, you’ll need to stretch the boundaries of comfort. Otherwise, nothing will ever change for you. The Worthiness Program you receive three audio healing downloads.  I’m feeling WORTHY. Is it worth it? Any time you can address the subconscious, you are changing for the better, so yes, it’s worth it.