Keeping your energy high is often a daunting process due to daily stress. Energy vaporizes out from your system all the time. What you think and feel, food choices, listening to other people, driving, and public transportation all take a toll on your energy bodies. The fabric of you is electricchakra-healing and magnetic – it’s all energy.

Chakra + Shakti (Energy)

Chakra and Shakti are Sanskrit words that mean wheel (chakra) and energy (shakti). Reviving your energy means keeping the nervous system balanced. The chakras are wheels of energy or fields of consciousness.

There are seven main body chakras, one on each palm, one on the bottom of each foot, and five chakras above the head. More minor chakras are found in other locations around the body too. Chakra energy begins at the molecular level and travels outward, emitting a field of energy around the body called the aura. Energy venting from the chakras often gets stuck, causing discomfort, pain, and illness. Keeping the energy spinning clockwise in the chakra-clearing meditations is also essential to maintain optimum good health.

The first chakra location is at the perineum area of the body or the sitz bones region. The second chakra is the pelvic region, and the third is the solar plexus. The first three chakras are the Lower Self or the body’s subconscious. The fourth chakra location is where the physical heart is. The fifth chakra is at the throat. The sixth is the third eye or minds-eye, and the seventh is the top of the head or crown chakra—considered the higher Self within the physical body.

The chakras correspond to different colors, vibrational tones as well as organs. The color is an electrical charge vaporizing from the body.

Color Note + Sound

Higher Chakras

The five chakras above the head connect us to more subtle energies. The eighth chakra is about six inches above the head and looks like a halo. It’s the soul center or the communication gateway of spiritual guidance. The chakras then build above the head in a funnel-like direction. The widest part of the funnel is the twelfth chakra. The ninth chakra is more expansive and about twelve inches above the eighth. It represents unconditional love, and the color is peach. This love vibration begins at the ninth chakra and circulates through the fourth (heart) into the second (creative self-expression) and back to the ninth chakra.

The tenth chakra is more expansive and about fifteen inches above the ninth and represents a deep level of compassion; its color is turquoise. The tenth chakra weaves compassion through the fifth chakra (throat), down through the first chakra of survival, and back to the tenth chakra. The eleventh chakra is more expansive, about fifteen inches above the tenth, and its color is silver. It beautifully connects us with the Divine Feminine.

The twelfth chakra is gold and the widest part of the funnel, connecting us with the absolute energy of All That There Is (God). The eleventh and twelfth chakras are equal in status and connect us with our higher Self and the I Am Presence.

Spin Your Chakras

Chakras naturally move to the right or clockwise. However, life stops the chakras, or they spin backward. Restore health and increase energy, and feel good from the inside out. People have experienced remarkable changes in their lives through chakra and energy healing sessions, and at the very least, you will have a clearer and brighter aura field.