In the western medicine world we have lost touch with the basic concept of true healing. We substitute a Band-Aid for a cure and wonder why we don’t feel better. People get ill for many reasons.  Each diseased state tells us that we are ignoring some part of self, and change is necessary.  While many factors contribute to healing, and it happens on many levels, all require attention throughout the entire healing practice.  Ignoring the body-mind (emotions and thoughts) would not provide adequate and long-term good health.

We can no longer look at one body part and heal it without incorporating other systems. For example if our toenails are infected with fungus, it is ineffective to treat only the tips of the toes: rather, we must look at the circulatory system and spleen, along with eating habits for the final cure. Physical symptoms like headaches, swollen glands, sneezing and colds, including more serious diseases like cancer, communicate that there is a disturbance in the emotional fabric of our being.

Emotions and Healing

Limiting emotions like fear, doubt and worry stop the normal flow of energy.  These emotions undermine us, and over the course of our lives cause unexplained and crippling diseases that end up controlling us.

The physical body falls apart because we fall apart emotionally. Recent scientific studies have shown that emotions sabotage everything—from simple success to kidney failure.  When we don’t care for the “whole self,” the physical body simply mirrors those effects.  Over the course of time, emotions like fear, anger and confusion take their toll.  Repressed anger diminishes the functions of the liver. Hopelessness and despair play havoc with the gall bladder. Long-standing limiting emotional beliefs deteriorate the entire physical being.  A constant string of repetitive self-defeating words weaken and actually exhaust the physical body. For true and long lasting healing to take effect we must look at the emotional/mental and physical bodies.

To heal we must feel.  We must identify the root emotional causes the disease. This process lays down a new foundation for good health and begins with a new attitude about being healthy.  The holistic changes listed in this article provide a strong foundation for wellness not another Band-Aid for something else to pop-up later.  The majority of healing must come from your emotional makeup because the emotions regulate the flow of energy in the body. Any self-defeating emotion causes you to stay stuck in a false perception about yourself.

Healing the Body

A bad diet is the number one contributor to disease. Processed foods are poison to the digestive tract.  A good mix of vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates and fruit is important to healing the body. If at all possible eat organic food or foods grown in community gardens or the backyard.  Know where your fruits and vegetables come from.  The longer the travel time to the stomach the less nutrient-rich the fruits or vegetables are. Strengthen the physical body with organic foods and food grown close to you.

Pesticides, coloring additives and other chemicals in food cause sinus problems, allergies, constipation, diarrhea, diverticulitis, malnutrition and hyper-type symptoms to occur.  Acid reflux disease and heartburn are common symptoms of improper digestion causing an irritant in the stomach and upper digestive tract.

Candida, a friendly bacterium oftentimes becomes a nuisance growing wildly causing organs and systems to literally shutdown.  The most common foods that cause allergies are corn, wheat and dairy. Making simple changes means a lot to the physical body.


We are a pill-popping society and proud of it.  Supplementation is important because food chemicals, pesticides and a hurried lifestyle play havoc, slowing the natural digestive juices.  Assimilating foods properly becomes difficult.   An overdose of natural supplements can also cause a list of new symptoms to occur.  If you are taking more than five different supplements, you are taking too many. I prefer liquids like Emergen-C or Buried Treasures for minerals and vitamin-C.  I highly recommend Green-Magma and other green drinks. If you don’t feel immediate results from the supplements, they are not working.  Herbs sitting on a natural grocers’ shelf have little potency.

Green drinks are especially nourishing and healing to the body because they change the acidic PH, the cause of most illness, to alkaline PH, giving the physical body an opportunity to heal.


Only 5% of the American population gets sufficient water each day.  Diet drinks, high corn-syrup drinks and coffee do not count towards proper hydration; in fact many of those drinks cause gastrointestinal inflammation, kidney and liver problems and an acidic environment.  To properly hydrate we need to drink at least half of our body weight in purified water by the ounce each day. For example if you weight 150 lbs. you need 75 ounces of purified water daily.


The number one killer today is a stagnant lymph system caused by a lack of exercise.  Take a walk around the block or yoga, chi-kung or Pilate’s class. Get out and walk and create a sweat. You’ll thank yourself a million times.

Remember, natural remedies including dietary changes take a little longer to see results, than just popping medication.  However, these changes are permanent. To turn disease around takes time and should include alternative healing, organic diets, pure water, natural supplements and exercise.  Wellness of the whole body provides accurate good health for the entire being.

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