• Let Go and Allow Love In

    I Surrender

    It's time to let go! How many times have you heard, “Let it go?”  Surrender into peace and be open to life experiences. Surrender into the flow of life and allow love to open your heart. Feel lighter and more present. Holding on to experiences or anger hurts the physical body and your psyche. Surrender clears out emotional congestion and heaviness. Excellent to use in yoga practices and massage therapy. For yoga, mist around the body, especially the hips and lower back, allows for relaxation in yoga poses. Chakra: Second.


    A proprietary blend of essential oils includes orange, tangerine, and mandarin essential oils, purified alkaline water, and an infusion of the gem elixir I Surrender. For each gem elixir, we used a layout of crystals and minerals. The stones used are blue fluorite, tempest stone, snowflake obsidian, rhodonite, rose quartz, charoite, azurite/malachite, skeletal quartz, quartz, smoky quartz, and black tourmaline. We source essential oils from co-op farmers to maintain a higher quality of oil used in our products.

    Does not contain

    Synthetic fragrances and petrochemicals.

    Works Well With

    Enjoy Immediate Results!

  • Thank you for your purchase of Balance Healing Spray. You'll receive “how to use” instructions in the box. There's a small handling charge added to each order. We use recycled packaging material to save the environment. If you require any further assistance, please contact support@kumarainstitute.com
  • Thank you for your purchase of Peace Healing Spray You'll receive “how to use” instructions in the box. There's a small handling charge added to each order. We use recycled packaging material to save the environment. If you require any further assistance, please contact support@kumarainstitute.com    
  • Prosperity Attraction Spray Create a Flow

    Move into the stream of prosperity. Create a natural flow of positive vibes in your energy field. Uplifting, Abundance spray works with the energy body to create change and raise your energy.
    "I ordered Abundance spray, and the day it arrived, I won a lottery. Abundance Spray is magic. Thank you!! Helen F., Florida
    Mist around the body, over the shoulders, solar plexus, and the home to clear stuck emotional energy around money or love. Mist around creative projects and cash registers too. Ingredients--purified alkaline water, Oakmoss and Patchouli essential oils. Crystal Elixir: Golden Ray. Positive Statement: I Am. Main chakra: Two. Stones Used: Golden Calcite, Selenite, Golden Fluorite, Celestite, Aqua Aura, phantom polished Quartz crystal and Lapis. How to Use: Shake to activate. Mist around your surroundings and doorways, bedrooms, children, spouses, and pets. Do not spray into your face.

    Works Well With

    Enjoy Immediate Results!

  • Thank you!! You are purchasing the Sanatkumara Puja. Prayers are offered to increase good fortune, recover from illness, and bring financial abundance and spiritual fulfillment. Once connected, questions get answered, your life improves, and things fall into place. Prayers are offered to God and, in this case, to Lord Muruga (Sanatkumara). KumariDevi has made puja offerings (prayers) available out of compassion for humanity's suffering. KumariDevi speaks directly to Sanatkumara daily and will ask for your situation to be resolved. Prayers are offered to increase good fortune, recover from illness, and bring financial abundance and spiritual fulfillment. Your puja is offered to God and, in this case, to Lord Muruga (Sanatkumara). Out of compassion for humanity's suffering, KumariDevi has made prayers available. KumariDevi speaks directly to Sanatkumara daily and will ask for your situation to be resolved. Email KumariDevi directly at admin@kumarainstitute.com with your request.  
  • Sale!

    Activate Worthiness Course

    Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $98.00.
    Thank you for purchasing the Activate Worthiness Digital Course. Audio files are updated. Listen to the MP3 recording one at a time. Wait three days, allow the first MP3 to integrate, and listen to the next one. Do the same, wait three days, let integration occur, and listen to the third one. You receive five MP3 audio downloads and instructions with your order.
    1. I Am Enough Intro
    2. I Am Enough Healing
    3. Activate Worthiness
    4. Financial Freedom
    5. Guided Meditation on Self-Worth
    6. Instructions
    KumariDevi’s work is not hypnosis. Each healing session is approximately 1.5 hours long. If you have any questions or issues, please don’t hesitate to email support@kumarainstitute.com.    
  • Be Fearless Create a Joyful Life

    Shift energy and re-calibrate your nervous system to release old wounding. Fear is often a life stopper and comes from limiting beliefs about fear and lack. Clearing Fear spray releases the vibrations of fear from your auric energy field instantly. A perfect way to clear stuck emotional energy. Mist immediately after you tense up and feel that gnawing feeling in the solar plexus and allow Clearing Fear to release the tension. Excellent to use to release fear around money, relationships, and at the office. Also, use in business and other matters where fear is present. Use, Clearing Fear spray alongside mindful practices to enhance profound releases. Exceptional to use in feng shui for house and business clearings or massage therapy to shift any fearful energy. Mist around the home, office and doorways, bedrooms, children, spouses, and pets. Animals love Sovereign Light Sprays; best to mist their bed or around horses, then directly at them, allowing the pet to sleep in calming energy.

    Chakra: Third.

    How to Use

    Shake to activate. Mist around your home, doorways, bedrooms, children, spouses, and pets. For animals, mist their beds and then allow them to sleep in the new energy. Do not spray into your face. Although there are no chemicals in any products, essential oils could irritate delicate facial skin and the eyes.



    A proprietary blend of essential oils includes rosewood, frankincense, lemon, geranium, purified alkaline water, infusion of the I Release Fear gem elixir. For each gem elixir, we used a layout of crystals and minerals. The stones used were skeletal quartz, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, tanzanite, sugilite, amethyst, celestite, malachite, violet fluorite, and snowflake obsidian. Added Mutabilis Rose flower essences to reduce the fear of change, and Scarlet Runner Bean releases you from your shadows. We source essential oils from co-op farmers to maintain a higher quality of oil used in our products.

    Does Not Contain

    Synthetic fragrances and petrochemicals.

    Works Well With


     Enjoy Immediate Results!

  • Clear Anxiety Release Stubbornness

    No more resistance. Clear the path to success and happiness. Mist away stuck energy in your energy field and up-level your vibe. Moving forward takes courage. Resistance is the hesitation not to move forward. It's safer to stay in comfort zones than to move forward and change. Clearing Resistance sweeps through your auric field and clears the path for energy to move, and offers you inner strength and flexibility, and allows your life to flow effortlessly. Clear the energy of stubbornness with Clearing Resistance Spray.  Chakra: Third

    Release Kit

    Clearing Resistance, Clearing Fear, Clearing Confusion, and Clearing Anger and save. GO HERE

    How to Use

    Shake to activate. Mist around the environment and doorways, bedrooms, children, spouses, and pets. For animals, mist their beds and then allow them to sleep in the new energy. Do not spray into your face.

    Enjoy immediate results!

  • Thank you for your purchase of I Am Love Spray

    You'll receive “how to use” instructions in the box.  There's a small handling charge added to each order. We use recycled packaging material to help save the environment. If you require any further assistance, please contact support@kumarainstitute.com


  • Thank you for your purchase of Sanat Kumara Spray. You'll receive “how to use” instructions in the box. There's a small handling charge added to each order. We use recycled packaging material to help save the environment. If you require any further assistance, please contact support@kumarainstitute.com  


  • Activate Worthiness

    Increase Self-Esteem

    Personal Value

    I Am Worthy spray activates the feeling of worthiness in your auric energy field by clearing away fear and doubt. I Am Worthy spray increases inner strength and vision. Feeling confident is key to life, use I Am Worthy spray to uplift energy to a higher vibration, so you become confident and live in harmony. Chakra: Second


    Your thoughts and feelings create energy, and that energy is expelled through the skin, the largest organ, into the environment as an emotional vapor. Have you ever walked into a mall and couldn’t wait to leave? Or visited a church, attended a retreat or yoga class, and wanted to stay forever? The energy you feel is from the people present and their thoughts and feelings.

    Works Well With

    Starter Kit

    I Am Worthy, Balance, Abundance, Forgiveness and Save.  Go HERE

    How to Use

    Shake to activate. Mist around your surroundings, office, children, spouses, and pets. For animals, mist their beds and then allow them to sleep in the new energy. Do not spray into your face. Comes in a two-ounce size.

    Enjoy Immediate Results!

    Activate Self-Worth

    Deepen self-worth with Activate Worthiness Limiting Belief Healing audio download and increase personal value.
  • Sale!

    Heal Father Wounds Digital Course

    Original price was: $180.00.Current price is: $75.00.
    Heal Father Wounds is a thorough subconscious belief pattern healing that reprograms limiting beliefs and thinking. It restores balance to the masculine aspect of you. Everyone has a feminine and masculine within. Your father is an archetype and the second relationship in life. His energy is instrumental in developing a stable relationship with the outer world- careers, direction, finances, and inner strength and courage. Sometimes, the father plays the role of the mother, too. Fathers are devoted friends and colleagues. Women and men who have challenging times in the world or business owe it to their relationship with their fathers or the lack thereof.

    What's Inside

    1. Restore Father Relationship
    2. Release Fear
    3. Release Control
    4. Worthiness
    The following day, you may feel disoriented as you integrate the subconscious changes in your life. The goal is to repattern your thinking and unwind your personal beliefs. Your mind is a garden. KumariDevi pulls the weeds (limiting beliefs), and she reseeds the garden with positive thoughts for you to manifest into your life. She locates the exact situations in the subconscious where the patterns began. Once found, KumariDevi places a spin on the old trauma and wounding to neutralize emotional memory. Soon afterward, you'll feel less triggered, happier and more grounded.

    Session One: Restore Father Relationship

    Fathers teach children resilience, life direction, and how to make their way in the world. They show how to respect talents, become self-confident, and develop your inner strength. Male role models dictate our relationship with the outer world and how it relates to us personally.

    Session Two: Release Fear

    Tackle unhealthy fear woven through life situations. Fear is triggered by past emotional memory. Part of you desires forward movement, while another part red flags that movement out of self-preservation.

    Session Three: Release Control

    We don't like to admit it, but we all have control issues. For most people, a compulsive need for power results from being neglected or abused as a child. If you were physically, verbally, or sexually abused, you likely have reached a point where you feel the need to regain control of your life. An underdeveloped emotional self often controls situations. While control may provide relief on one level, it does not solve the underlying problem of hurt and pain underneath. Releasing control addresses the emotional wounding that started in childhood and now releases its hold on you.

    Session Four: Activate Worthiness

    Peel the layers of not feeling enough, self-sabotage, lack of confidence, and low self-esteem. As a child, parents are the most significant influences on self-esteem. Children who are consistently criticized or scolded quickly learn they are worthless. When a child is continually ignored, teased, ridiculed, or expected to be perfect, they develop poor self-esteem. Unworthiness is passed down from generation to generation by mimicking the behaviors of parents and caregivers. Low self-worth is found in depression, anorexia, anti-social behavior, domestic violence, hoarding, and addictions. Activate Worthiness by addressing the subconscious patterns set into place during childhood. Feel enough and develop self-confidence in life.


    Once the payment is processed, you'll receive an email with four audio MP3 links. Check spam folders if you don't immediately receive them. Listen one at a time. If you encounter any issues, email admin@kumarainstitute. Thank you!
  • Sale!

    Heal Mother Wounds Digital Course

    Original price was: $199.98.Current price is: $98.00.

    Thank you!

    Heal Mother Wounds is a subconscious belief pattern healing to reprogramming. Restore balance to your feminine self and heal the mother's wounds. Your mother is an archetypal pattern who helps you develop your foundational consciousness. She is also your first relationship, and her energy is instrumental in developing stable connections with intuition, compassion, friendships, kindness, and self-love and your inner self.

    What's Inside

    1. Restore Mother
    2. Release Rejection
    3. Activate Trust
    4. Activate Worthiness
    5. Instructions
    If questions arise, email support@kumarainstitute.com.  
  • I Am Love, I Am Worthy, Healing Feminine, Balance

    Speaking directly to the Soul, the Starter Kit says: When I feel balanced and safe, I’ll be worthy of love. Working with your energy body to clear stuck emotions and refresh your energy field, Sovereign Light Healing Sprays are ideal for meditation classes, creating a sacred space and feeling refreshed and revitalized. Sprays come lightly scented with all-natural essential oils. You save $20.00 with free shipping on the Starter Kit. Thank you!

    Enjoy Instant Results!

  • Clearing Fear, Clearing Anger, Clearing Confusion, Clearing Resistance

    Speaking directly to your Soul, the Release Kit says: When I release my anger, confusion, and resistance, I'll release fear. Working directly with your aura to clear stuck emotions and refresh your energy field, Sovereign Light Healing Sprays are ideal for everyday use, creating a sacred space and feeling revitalized. Sprays come lightly scented with all-natural essential oils.

    What's Included

    Clearing Anger-proprietary blend of sandalwood, geranium, lavender, and ylang-ylang essential oils, purified alkaline water, and I Release Anger gem elixir infusion. Clearing Confusion-proprietary blend of rosemary, peppermint, and cardamom essential oils, purified alkaline water, and I Release Confusion gem elixir infusion. Clearing Resistance- proprietary blend of vetiver, patchouli, lavender essential oils, purified alkaline water,  and I Release Resistance gem elixir infusion. Clearing Fear-proprietary blend of rosewood, frankincense, lemon, and geranium essential oils, purified alkaline water, and I Release Fear gem elixir infusion.

    How to Use

    Shake to activate—Mist around your home, office, children, spouses, and pets. For animals, mist their beds and allow them to sleep in the energy. Do not spray into your face. How-to-use instructions are included with your Spray order.

    Enjoy Immediate Results!

  • Peace, Surrender, Protection, Sanat Kumara 

    Yoga/Meditation/Prayer Kit says: I Surrender into Peace, and I am supported and protected to open to my Mastery. Made with a crystal/gem elixir base formula. All Sprays are lightly scented with all-natural essential oils. Working with your energy body to clear stuck emotions and liberate your energy field. Use all four sprays to enhance meditation, yoga, and prayer or healing practices. The best method for selecting sprays is to turn the labels around and choose blindly. Peace-proprietary blend of lemon and geranium natural essential oils, purified alkaline water, I Am That I Am gem elixir infusion. Surrender-proprietary blend of orange, tangerine, and mandarin natural essential oils, purified alkaline water, and I Surrender gem elixir infusion. Protection-propriety blend of spruce, fir, cedarwood, and ylang-ylang essential oils, plus pennyroyal flower essence and purified alkaline water. Sanat Kumara- proprietary blend of jasmine and rose natural essential oils, purified alkaline water, and Sanat Kumara gem elixir infusion. For meditation, yoga class, and prayer circles, create a sacred space using Peace, deepen your practice with Surrender, Protection and allow the grace of God into your life using Sanat Kumara spray. Sanatkumara, aka Lord Muruga–is the son of Shiva in Hinduism and the brother of Ganesh and is known as the originator of the Yoga Sutras.

    How to Use

    How-to-use instructions are included in your Spray order. Shake to activate—Mist around the house, children, spouses, and pets. For animals, mist their beds and allow them to sleep in the new energy. Do not spray into your face.

    Does Not Contain

    Synthetic fragrances and petrochemicals. **The picture does not reflect what you will get.

    Enjoy Immediate Results!

  • Thank you!! You are registering for the Empower Your Feminine Self-a 4-week Masterclass series. You'll receive the telephone and code after registration. Always be in a quiet place during the class. support@kumarainstitute.com
  • Business Intuitive Readings

    Receive immediate solutions to your questions for your business blocks, what direction to go, and identify the mental blocks holding you back from moving forward. Receive new perspectives and fresh ideas for your business. Ideal for establishing a yearly business plan. Innovative ways to design and attract new business are offered, assisting you in navigating the unknown and evaluating desired results in your career. In determining what's next, KumariDevi uses her laser-sharp intuitive abilities to identify barriers to success and create a new future. Receive measurable results and spot-on clarity that result in optimum solutions. Her ability to transform the very essence of personal lives, careers, and businesses, along with the ways people think, and operate is genuinely an exciting process to experience.


    Thank you for selecting Business Intuitive Reading. Sessions are recorded using Skype (no video) and last 75 minutes. Have your questions ready for your session. Email support@kumarainstitute.com to set up your intuitive business reading if you haven't already done so.
  • Thank you for your purchase of Protection Spray. You'll receive “how to use” instructions in the box. There's a small handling charge added to each order. We use recycled packaging material to help save the environment. If you require any further assistance, please contact support@kumarainstitute.com
  • Thank you! You have purchased a half-hour intuitive reading. If you want an hour reading go here. Check spam folders for emails, especially on Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail. If you are paying with a foreign credit card, please use Stripe instead of PayPal. Schedule intuitive sessions by emailing support@kumarainstitute.com. Sessions are done over the telephone or via Skype (no video) for recordings. Download Skype onto your smartphone for the best results. Please stay focused during the session for the best results and be in a quiet place. Do not ask any sexual questions about yourself or your partners.
    “Her intuition surpasses anything I’ve ever encountered in my life. She’s spot on all the time. Don’t waste your time with others when you can get the best with her. Thank you!"  Christine M., Artist
    Please let us know how we connect with you via telephone or Skype so we are prepared. Outside the United States by Skype only.
  • Sale!

    Intuitive Mentoring

    Original price was: $1,866.00.Current price is: $1,760.00.

    Thank you!!

    You are signing up for eight weeks of Self-Awareness Mentoring. It's ideal for turning your life around and living from a conscious, heart-centered, self-aware presence. To deepen your commitment to your inner self, start a productive meditation practice, eat healthier, and begin thinking differently about yourself and life. It is an intuitive talk session with energy healing mixed in. You can ask me questions about spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and self-realization. KumariDevi brings her thirty-five years of Spiritual and Intuitive Counseling skills to each session. She always tunes into your higher self for your best course of action. Always be in a quiet location for your session, and do not work with anyone else while working with KumariDevi. Please be quiet during the session and schedule when you don't have essential tasks the following day. We schedule on the same day and time over four weeks. We would love it if you didn't use a credit card, but understand if you need to. Other Payment Options:
    • Check
    • Zelle
    • PayPal “friends and family” and transfer funds directly to our PayPal. Email: hellopaula@protonmail.
    Please communicate if you want to pay by check or Zelle for additional information, email us at support@kumarainstitute.com.
  • Welcome to Egypt!

    Thank you for your non-refundable deposit. Check spam folders. We will communicate with you within two hours of receiving your deposit. Credit card payments incur a 5% processing fee. Read refund policy Here Egypt is safe. Please know, we would never put you in any danger. If world events impact Egypt, and we can't go, you will be fully refunded. You are required to sign a Tour Contract and Medical Release with your deposit. Include a copy of your passport's front detail page with your contract. You'll need an active passport for at least six months from the tour date before it expires. You must have travel insurance. Don't forget to pack your flexibility. The itinerary and additional information are sent via email. For people living in the States, you are welcome to send a check, Zelle or PayPal direct for complete payment and deposit. Email support@kumarainstitute.com        
  • Sale!

    Purify Your Body Temple Visualization

    Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $25.00.

    Thank you!

    Once the payment is processed, you'll receive an email with Purify audio MP3 links attached. Check spam folders if you don't immediately receive the audio download.

    Listen to the Introduction first. Always, be in a quiet place when listening to the healing in Purify Your Body Temple.

    Do not listen to the audio downloads while driving. Remember, your body is the temple to the Soul--treat it with respect.

    If questions arise, email info@kumarainstitute.com

    A Note About the Visualization

    It’s powerful. Practice Purify Your Body Temple, emotional healing visualization, in a quiet place. Image the chakras as golden plates in your body. Each chakra stacks like shelves, from the base to the top of your head, with the spine going through the middle of the chakra. Imagine the chakra opening by spinning the plate counterclockwise or to your left. Only imagine the spinning with your mind and not your eyes; otherwise, you’ll get dizzy.  
  • Un-Condition Love

    Un-Condition your heart from rejection and fear and activate trust. You are addressing the subconscious patterning obtained in childhood and early adolescence. As an adult, limiting patterns stop you from letting love in and being loved.

    What's Inside

    1. Release Rejection
    2. Release Fear
    3. Activate Trust
    Un-Condition Love consists of three MP3 emotional healing audio downloads. Each audio file repatterns your subconscious mind powerfully and directly. You will address self-defeating conditioned habits and re-program subconscious behaviors and habits that shaped childhood around love. Your paid receipt includes the audio files. If you have issues receiving the receipt, email admin@kumarainstitute.com.  
  • Thank you!! It's the sweetest way to fall asleep naturally. Sleep Now Tea is an organic herbal tea blend formulated to relax and rejuvenate you.
    "Sleep Now tea is a great comfort when I snuggle in for the night. I feel so nurtured. Thank you." A happy customer
  • Thank you! New guided meditation to help you realize self-worth. Want to go deeper and clear the patterns blocking self-worth, check out Activate Worthiness Program. Enjoy the guided meditation.
  • Meditation and Self-Care Kit

    Just immerse yourself in a cozy bath and unwind.
    Enjoy Peace Healing Spray, made with a gem elixir base formula and a proprietary blend of lemon and geranium natural essential oils. Lavender Spirit, a natural soy candle lightly scented with lavender essential oil and 4 ounces of Sleep Now Tea.  All packaged together for a beautiful self-care gift for you or someone special. Directions are in the package. Remember to never leave candles burning while you are not present.    
  • Sale!

    Energy Healing Session

    Original price was: $299.98.Current price is: $288.00.

    Thank you!!

    Contact support@kumarainstitute.com to set up your healing session or discover more here. Always be in a quiet place away from family and pets during your sessions. Please sit still for the entire hour while you are on the phone with KumariDevi for optimal benefits. Schedule when you don't have essential events to attend the day of your session and the following day. Do not indulge in alcohol or drugs before or after the session.
  • Thank you for your purchase. Sovereign Light Spray Kit includes 13 sprays. A small processing fee is added to help offset the rising costs. We recycle packaging materials to save the environment. Email with any questions to support@kumarainstitute.com
  • Sale!

    OM Peace

    Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $22.99.

    OM Peace Mala Bracelet

    Muted turquoise hand-beaded on stretchy wire mala bracelet with a silver charm. Turquoise smooths out all the rough edges, especially where they seem to involve the interaction of the emotional and physical body. Turquoise is good for meditation and healing and offers a sense of peace. Thank you!!      
  • Sale!

    OM Amazonite

    Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $22.99.

    OM Golden Amazonite Mala

    Golden amazonite mala is hand-beaded on the stretchy wire to easily slip over writs. Stack the malas on your writs and use them to keep track of your mantra. Golden Amazonite keeps the mind clear. Good for clarity. Unleash creativity and imagination. Energy filter, quiet confidence, you'll feel balanced. Love and happiness. The more you wear golden amazonite, the quicker you'll shrug off fear, worry, and negative thinking. Thank you!!
  • Sale!

    OM Charoite

    Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $22.99.

    OM Charoite Mala

    Muted charoite gemstone hand-beaded on a stretchy wire to easily slip on and off writs. OM Charoite infused with unconditional love. Muted Charoite stimulates spiritual insight, overcoming fears and assisting in coping with changes on a spiritual path. Charoite is a spiritual stone that encourages strong vibrational change and links you to the higher level of your soul truth. Charoite transforms anger and fear into positive energies. It helps release emotional negativity that is holding you back from the change and allows you to move forward. Tell us what charm you want—silver OM, lotus or gold OM.  
  • Sale!

    OM Howlite

    Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $22.98.

    OM Howlite Mala Bracelet

    OM Howlite hand-beaded mala with silver and purple charm. Energy-infused helps to keep your vibe high. Made on a stretchy wire to easily slip on and off writs. One size fits most people unless you have extra large writs. Howlite gemstone helps to open your mind. Howlite affects the crown chakra and Third Eye (Brow) Chakra. Howlite is a transformational stone. Good for increasing ambitions, both material and spiritual, and aids in success. It links into the spiritual dimensions, opening attunement and helping the mind to receive insights and wisdom. It assists in accessing past lives and journeys out of the body. Howlite invigorates the connection with the realms beyond 3D. It facilitates spiritual exploration and constantly challenges your soul.  
  • Sale!

    OM Elephant

    Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $22.99.

    OM Amazonite Mala Bracelet

    OM Elephant Muted Amazonite hand beaded on a stretchy wire to easily slip on and off. Silver elephant charm. Muted amazonite good for fatigue, despair, panic attacks and depression. It improves psychic and physical immune systems and supports the absorption of nutrients, viral infections, and alleviating pollution. Thank you!  
  • Sale!

    OM Muted Amazonite

    Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $22.99.
    Thank you!! Muted amazonite mala bracelet with OM Silver Charm. Hand beaded on stretchy wire to easily slip on and off your hand. Stack the mala bracelets and use them for reciting mantras. Muted amazonite good for fatigue, despair, panic attacks and depression. It improves psychic and physical immune systems and supports the absorption of nutrients, viral infections, and alleviating pollution.
  • OM Charoite Mala Bracelet

    Muted Chariote hand strung on a stretchy wire to easily slip over writs. Silver lotus flower charm. Charoite transmutes negative energy. Opens your heart and stimulates unconditional love. Re-energize, reducing stress and worry. Energy-infused healing gemstone mala bracelet. Thank you!!
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