Join KumariDevi’s Kind Heart Sangha



Living from a place of inner peace and presence is beautiful. However, to sustain it, you need to do your inner work. KumariDevi is a Master Healer, she helps you get through limiting and outdated beliefs, release negative self-talk, and cultivate a deep, meaningful relationship with yourself to live self-empowered.

Happiness and Enlightenment takes you out of loneliness, victim consciousness, the blame game, co-dependency, and changes how the mind thinks. It’s a perspective shift between the conditioned self and true self.

Changing the emotional and mental patterns, unlocks a boundless potential, on your journey to spiritual awakening. Stirring inner complacency, KumariDevi is deeply committed to assisting you on your spiritual journey. Let’s get started.

Study with KumariDevi

Let KumariDevi be your spiritual teacher, guide, or mentor on your awakening journey. She offers live healing calls, self-paced courses, accelerated individual healing, and in-person retreats to Egypt in 2025 and Scotland in 2025.









Live with KumariDevi – August 1

Live emotional healing calls to Un-Condition Your Heart. Healing subconscious limiting beliefs about loving yourself unconditionally. Meets monthly. Discover More and Register

Divine Feminine Activation Egypt Sacred Tour —

A spiritual transformation awaits you in Ancient Egypt with KumariDevi. Discover More and Register

Presence of Love Transmissions August 22

Divine Transmissions are open gatherings geared to assist in your spiritual awakening. Love is a fundamental force that connects all beings and permeates the universe. Register

Intuitive Readings + Healing Sessions

Unwind the Mind of limiting beliefs and stories, align to your Soul’s Truth. Discover More Here.

Activate Worthiness E Courses — Discover More Here

Breathing Meditations — Discover More Here

Purify Your Body Temple-Emotional Healing Guided Practice — Discover More Here

KumariDevi-bodhisattvaKumariDevi Awakened

KumariDevi is a powerful activator of Truth. In her presence, you instantly align with your Soul’s truth. Evoking a connection to Source Energy and raising your vibration to the frequency of unconditional love. Unlike anyone you have ever met, KumariDevi’s connection to the Divine is undeniably present. She embodies Direct Presence. Through personal interactions with KumariDevi, an authentic Spiritual Master, you will accelerate your path to liberation in this lifetime.

What People Say

KumariDevi-EgyptMy first encounter with KumariDevi was in 1995 when she came to England for the Body, Mind Exhibition in London. In 1999, I found the courage to sign up and attend her Peru trip, which altered my life forever. Her profound energy changed me from the inside out, and I aligned with my Soul’s truth, and my life followed its proper course.

Feeling instantly safe, I felt as if I came home to a familiar part of myself, even though I hadn’t known that part yet. Over the past twenty years, I have worked with her on and off. When we began, I worked as a gallery assistant. Today, I am a professional artist, exhibiting my Angel Art in galleries worldwide. Before her, I studied with a Reiki Master, which did not touch the depth of spirituality I sought. What KumariDevi taught me is beyond the ordinary realm of spirituality. She raised my consciousness and changed how I live my life forever. With Love, Iaysha (Angel Artist) (L-KumariDevi and R-Iaysha Salih)

What People Say!

“When we met, KumariDevi and I hugged, and all my body pain immediately disappeared. I have experienced many spiritual teachers, none of who had this profound impact on my life. Once you come in contact with her, a process begins to awaken in you. You can deny it and walk away, or do as I did: Embrace this miracle!” Jeri L., Marriage and Family Counselor

“There’s nothing ordinary here. If you are looking for a run-of-the-mill spiritual teacher, you’re in the wrong place. KumariDevi (Paula) looks like one of us, but her energy and insights are out of this world.” Deb M., Florida

“I have learned SOOOO much from working with KumariDevi. I can’t even begin to tell you what a transformational journey I have been on. It was purely a divine intervention when I walked into her retreat. I have not wanted to stop taking classes because I’m growing so much in such a short time. Thank you for everything!”  Susan T., Seattle

“The moment I walked into KumariDevi’s life, I knew I was in the presence of an Avatar. A larger truth penetrated my mind and heart. She gave me life-sustaining tools that are forever with me. Thank you!” Donna S., London

“KumariDevi is so POWERFUL. I went to Egypt with her in September. I couldn’t sit across from her for too long. I felt amazingly supported in her energy and connected to my heart. I’m not used to such a high frequency.” Cecile L., Happy Traveler

KumariDevi Teachings

Divine Feminine Activation Egypt Sacred Tour


Egypt calls your Soul into Alignment. Egypt is much more than pyramids in the sand.

“As a truth seeker, I’m passionate about accessing ancient memory at key locations around the world, you’ll find me talking to stones and walking in circles to activate planetary grids. Allow me to be your guide on a transformative journey that will bring about profound life changes, leading you to embrace your personal truth, open your heart, and forge a deep connection with your Soul.” — KumariDevi

Spiritual Travel and Meditation Retreats

Egypt Feb 2025

Scotland 2025


Love brings us together

Love is the landscape of the Soul. Love is the magic that heals all wounds. Love is inspiring and breaks down the barriers of anger and fear. Love lifts the hearts of all of us and gives us hope for tomorrow.

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