Enlightenment is a change in perspective that the ego wouldn’t allow you to see at this point.

Most people experience life from the point of view of others vs. you. Other people can hurt, blame, or ruin you. Or the world is coming at you. For example, with covid, a virus has power over you and will make you sick. It’s true, viruses, bacteria and fungi are pathogens or foreign invaders that can cause a dis-eased state of being. But, why you attracted the virus, bacteria or fungi in the first place originates from you. For the most part, viruses and bacteria are thought-forms or travel on thoughts. It’s why you hear so often to keep your ideas and thoughts positive. Keep your vibe high. Negative thoughts pull your energy down.

Negative Thinking

Negative thinking comes from the subconscious programming you witnessed as a child. It’s something you heard over and over again and eventually began to believe as accurate. But, it’s not true. Negative programming is like a software program someone told you to install in your thinking mind like your parents, teachers and society.

Spiritual Awakening

The idea of spiritual awakening and enlightenment came about from ancient Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism when the monks realized after being in solitude for years that they could get beyond the controlling ego and experience inner peace.  Today, we don’t have the luxury of sitting silently for a year or two to resolve mental conflicts. Instead, you have programs, group classes, and private sessions I developed to assist you in experiencing life beyond the ego, especially beyond anger, hurt, and fear.

Even if your goal isn’t enlightenment or awakening, the road to fulfillment, mindfulness and inner peace share similar attributes as enlightenment. You’ll have to look at your internal emotional, and mental programming to achieve everything in life. So we can say that all of life shares the path with spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Waking Up

You are waking up from the ego’s reality of limitation. The ego is both conscious and unconscious–ego is personality. A definition of you that was or is determined by the restriction of others (parents, clergy, friends and society). The truth is the world is coming from you and not from outside of you. There’s nothing more powerful in your life than you. You are the true Self and not the ego. You are waking up from feelings of fear and hurt; even though you might feel a certain way, it doesn’t mean it needs to define you.

Change how you speak to yourself, and instead of saying, I’m fearful, or I’m hurt, shift your vernacular to “I experience hurt,” or “I experience fear,” and this will detach you from experience and keep you present instead of living in the past. The ego-mind pulls you back to past emotional memory until the childhood traumas are consciously resolved and healed.